The hurrier I go, the behinder I get

“A dream is not reality, but who's to say which is which?” ― Alice Through the Looking Glass

Do less, better Tarot today – White Rabbit – “The hurrier I go, The behinder I get.” – Time to let go. When circumstances conspire to make life seem impossible I always reflect on my old friend the White Rabbit from my favourite vintage Alice deck. He is always nervous & in a hurry. I… Continue reading The hurrier I go, the behinder I get

Tarot 8 of Cups – Are you brave enough to walk way

Letting go A figure turns from Eight stacked Cups. Behind the Cups a river needs to be crossed, the moon pulls at the emotions. What situation or behaviour is no longer in your best interest. Change can be unsettling, walking away is often the bravest thing we have ever done. Walking away from a job… Continue reading Tarot 8 of Cups – Are you brave enough to walk way

Tarot is increasingly in Vogue with Millenials

O'Mara Tarot & Clairvoyants

Tarot is ‘in fashion’ at the moment. That is all well & good, I have a degree in fashion, it is no surprise that the rich imagery & spooky aesthetic is ‘in Vogue’. What is really interesting is that a younger generation are drawn to the Tarot & increasingly ask me to portray a spooky… Continue reading Tarot is increasingly in Vogue with Millenials

Discover Your divine purpose with Tarot

Order from chaos with the Grand Etteilla tarot

What is your divine purpose? Why is the world a better place for having you in it? If money was no option & you could spend your days in pursuit of one thing, what would that be? These are the questions we must ask ourselves when we are asking what our true purpose is. Many… Continue reading Discover Your divine purpose with Tarot

Taking Control with the Tarot

My personality is driven by love. I am emotionally stable and bring calmness to any turbulence in your life.

Social media – Fake News?, it feels more & more that we are struggling to be ‘on’ & know everything, be everywhere 24/7. I think this is actually making people feel more isolated & disconnected from their reality. Only today I saw someone have a very real & very loud public breakdown on a train… Continue reading Taking Control with the Tarot

The Truth in Tarot cards

Always the same question, “How do Tarot cards work?” The young lady in front of me quizzical, skeptical & a little on edge. My answer, always the same, “Tarot has no inherent power, they are just 78 painted pasteboards. The ‘power’ comes from the age old wisdom contained in the symbols, combined with my skill… Continue reading The Truth in Tarot cards

The Tarot Tour – 78 Journeys – Rediscover your truth with Tarot

Whoever you are and however you stumble upon the Tarot path, the archetypes of the Tarot will challenge your view of yourself, those around you and ultimately your place in the world. The one constant in my life has been Tarot. As I have moved around the globe, as new challenges and phases of my… Continue reading The Tarot Tour – 78 Journeys – Rediscover your truth with Tarot

Tarot The High Priestess | What lies behind the veil ?

The High Priestess, Secrets Will Be Revealed.

High Priestess Tarot Meditation And I heard her voice only in my mind, almost telepathically.  “To pass and enter the temple of initiation you must travel between the pillars of black and white, through the veil of pomegranates after absorbing all the information I have for you.  Are you ready?” I faltered. I knew I… Continue reading Tarot The High Priestess | What lies behind the veil ?

Tarot Judgement – The Clarion Call

hear the call

In the distance ice capped mountains. The sky was as if in a speeded up movie, clouds forming & reforming so quickly, throwing crazy shadows across the stony grey ground. Then from the clouds the winged Angel accompanied by the trumpet call. Eerily three stone coffins open and a young man, woman and child, ashen… Continue reading Tarot Judgement – The Clarion Call