Book Your Personal Tarot Reading You can see my daily chosen card on my Instagram here @omaratarot Check out my new Tarot meanings knowledge base which details every tarot card in the deck. Got round to watching ‘The Witch of Kings Cross’ online. Fascinating how Rosaleen Norton combined her love for the occult with art,… Continue reading Daily Tarot Reading
Tag: free tarot readings
Shoot for the moon
The recent Gemini Full Moon, Monday, November 30, 2020, lunar eclipse brought so much air energy, I need to focus, maybe just start or finish one of the 300 projects that are coursing through my mind. 🌕 Check out my 1 min Moon meaning movie in my Majors reboot: TAROTREHAB – MOON TAROT CARD MEANING… Continue reading Shoot for the moon
Reconnect to your magic
All of us have an internal safe haven, a refuge were we feel completely in tune with mind, body & spirit. It is a delicate balance, a complicated dance through life to stay as close to our authentic self as we are able. To be in the zone where our creativity & wonder reveal to… Continue reading Reconnect to your magic
The Truth in Tarot cards
Always the same question, “How do Tarot cards work?” The young lady in front of me quizzical, skeptical & a little on edge. My answer, always the same, “Tarot has no inherent power, they are just 78 painted pasteboards. The ‘power’ comes from the age old wisdom contained in the symbols, combined with my skill… Continue reading The Truth in Tarot cards
Wolf Moon, Time to release your inner wolf?
Embrace your inner strength this January Wolf Supermoon; free yourself from limits and embrace change. Seek guidance from our Psychics to start the year empowered and unlock your potential.
Tetragrammaton – Four Worlds
TETRAGRAMMATON The fоur Hеbrеw letters (Yod, He, Wаw аnd Hе) called thе “Tеtrаgrаmmаtоn”. Thе fоur characters are thе fоur Hеbrеw lеttеrѕ that correspond tо YHWH and are trаnѕlіtеrаtеd IAUE оr Yahweh. Yаhwеh іѕ thе nаmе of thе Almіghtу Fаthеr in Hеаvеn thаt реорlе соmmоnlу саll “The LORD” оr “Gоd”. Thе reason wе see “LORD” and… Continue reading Tetragrammaton – Four Worlds
Tarot – Gateway to the Mysteries of the Ancients
Explore the transformative power of Tarot, a mystical tool that unites seekers from all backgrounds. Dive into its rich symbolism for a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Tarot – The Hermit – Lighting the Way
Out of the barren desert he appeared. The voice returned. The lantern transcends time to illuminate your path. The cloak contains all mysteries. The staff of power completes the trinity of initiation. Follow his light past temptation and illusion. You will be released from the world of dreams to your true life and higher purpose”.… Continue reading Tarot – The Hermit – Lighting the Way
Tarot – Strength – Activating the Power
Strength Detailed Tarot MeaningI saw a young woman controlling an energy field. Suddenly, bursting from the light, a lion. I was not afraid as it was obvious the woman had complete control over this magnificent beast. Through the pure lilies I saw a blue mountain and noticed the symbol of eternity, the Lemniscate, revolving above… Continue reading Tarot – Strength – Activating the Power
Tarot – The Hierophant – The Inner Teacher
The light caught the triple tiered tiara. I saw two crossed keys. Oblivious to me an initiate bowed before the Hierophant, who began to speak. “The only path to truth is within yourself. The only mystery is why you seek to prevent yourself from achieving your true potential”. With that the Hierophant turned, moved between… Continue reading Tarot – The Hierophant – The Inner Teacher