Tarot Judgement – The Clarion Call

judgement call
hear the call
Tarot The Clarion call - Judgement
Tarot the Judgement card meanings and meditation

In the distance ice capped mountains. The sky was as if in a speeded up movie, clouds forming & reforming so quickly, throwing crazy shadows across the stony grey ground. Then from the clouds the winged Angel accompanied by the trumpet call. Eerily three stone coffins open and a young man, woman and child, ashen in colour raise up toward the Angel.

Then the voice came “ Do you hear the messenger of the Empress? We are all born to die, though man dies many times in his life before Death finally comes looking for him. Everything will return, as flowers in the spring after the cold barren winter. Do you begin to understand the mystery of life and death ? “

When Judgement lands in your Tarot reading you must release any preconceptions, respond to the clarion call of the trumpet to reveal the light within your self. Judgement allows you to see clearly, awaken confident that any changes or decisions will bring about the necessary transformation needed in your life at this moment. Freedom from any past regrets allows true clarity as inspiration floods your thoughts.

Truly awake you can take hold of your destiny as you progress toward the ultimate card, The World.  Do not try and control the course of developments, that is beyond you now. Enjoy the challenges that you face, hear the trumpet call and begin anew, though now at a higher level of understanding than ever before.

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