Hello stress, thanks for dropping by

Look inside – Quiet the mind One of the greatest lessons I have learnt is to put the world on pause. To exist just in that second & give myself a little kindness. I’m a big fan of meditation & hypnosis. Being able to focus, be awake & pay attention to the moment. When I… Continue reading Hello stress, thanks for dropping by

Tarot is increasingly in Vogue with Millenials

O'Mara Tarot & Clairvoyants

Tarot is ‘in fashion’ at the moment. That is all well & good, I have a degree in fashion, it is no surprise that the rich imagery & spooky aesthetic is ‘in Vogue’. What is really interesting is that a younger generation are drawn to the Tarot & increasingly ask me to portray a spooky… Continue reading Tarot is increasingly in Vogue with Millenials

Tarot Justice – The sign of Libra

Your free Tarot reading Daughter of the Lord of Truth, The Holder of the Balances Clarity, Contracts, Victory, Fairness, Action Libra Those born under the sign of Libra, the Scales (September 24 – October 23), have a wonderful balance of traits. They’re considered to be diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, idealistic and peaceable. Even… Continue reading Tarot Justice – The sign of Libra

Winter Solstice Dreams

Winter Solstice – Moving Ahead The day of the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. It marks the beginning of winter, and happens on either December 21st or 22nd, depending on where you live. After this winter solstice we are moving towards a New Year, which is predicted to be a massive… Continue reading Winter Solstice Dreams

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Year of the Water Dragon – Chinese Astrology

Discover the intriguing world of Chinese astrology, focusing on this year’s Dragon, encouraging us to chase dreams while finding balance. Learn about the zodiac’s history and its philosophical guidance.

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