Tarot The Court of the suit of Swords

The Court cards of the suit of Swords are the embodiment of the element of Air that represents thought & intelligence. The swords are the mirrors of the subconscious & represent the development of opinions & beliefs. Usually associated with potential they can often indicate an affinity with spring & can be represented by Aquarius,… Continue reading Tarot The Court of the suit of Swords

Tarot, Creating Your story with the Major Arcana

Order from chaos with the Grand Etteilla tarot

Since my first encounter with Tarot, the infinite stories contained in the combination of this most inspirational book with no pages has fired my imagination. The most important story contained in this magical oracle is the unique journey that unfolds for every person who I’m privileged to read for. Wherever they are on their path,… Continue reading Tarot, Creating Your story with the Major Arcana

How your thoughts shape your reality, your personal window to the world

I believe how you interpret events really does create your reality. If you decide and really make a conscious effort to ‘look on the bright side’, it definitely has a cumulative effect that begins to attract happier events in to your life. I am not saying that we should blindly stumble through life spouting joy… Continue reading How your thoughts shape your reality, your personal window to the world

The Seven of Swords – Honesty is always the best policy …

The Seven of Swords The Lord of Futility The Seven of Swords Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Secrets are rarely a good idea, what is someone trying to hide ? Deceit Gossip Integrity Weakness Uncertainty Reputation The Seven of Swords – Appearance On my Seven of swords cards a guilty looking… Continue reading The Seven of Swords – Honesty is always the best policy …