Structure in Chaos

The backbone of my sites & my own routine is my daily Major Arcana card. Having a structure to form the bedrock of your day is so important & is often overlooked by many of us for so long, it truly can bring clarity amongst confusion. Having no structure results in chaos which can be… Continue reading Structure in Chaos

Surrender to Your destiny

The Hanged Man has found a different perspective, all issues look different from here. He has released his ego, changed his priorities. He has put himself in this position of contemplation, a long road has brought him to this crossroads, he knew it was make or break. Can you imagine how powerful he can become… Continue reading Surrender to Your destiny

Shadows and Light

⁣Tarot card readings are simply a doorway to an open honest discussion

Secrets hiding in the shadows hold the potential to bathe you in the brightest of lights. I have been revisiting the 3 of Swords. The extraordinary reactions this card can evoke in a sitter is one of the most powerful responses you will experience as a reader. The powerfully graphic image of the heart pierced… Continue reading Shadows and Light

The only True Power is Within

Connect to Your True Power Do you get waves of feeling powerless? Almost hopeless? If you have, & I know you have, there’s no reason to feel anxious. We have all felt that way! One of the default settings of the human condition is to feel occasionally unnerved. Sensitive people & people who have opened… Continue reading The only True Power is Within

Use the Lunar Power of the Moon to Connect With Your Dreams

total lunar eclipse also known as a “Blood Moon"

Discover how the moon affects your dreams and feelings with our Psychic Moon Love Tarot Readings. Explore lunar phases to deepen your dream connection and uncover subconscious meanings.