Harness the New Moon in Cancer to manifest desires, create a loving sanctuary, face challenges with courage.
Tag: psychics
Master Your Journey: Past, Present & Future Tarot Secrets
Explore the Past Present Future Tarot spread for life insights. Embrace the present, create desired future. Get a live reading from expert psychics and grow personally.
Harness the Power of Self-Healing to Cultivate a Joyful Life
Heal trauma, restore balance, trust intuition, create space for healing, elevate vibrational frequency, and live a happier, fulfilled life.
Revealing the Mysteries of Reality: Insights from Psychic Experiences!
Unveiling the mysteries of psychic experiences can be a fascinating journey! My psychics have had countless encounters with the unknown. From communicating with spirits to experiencing premonitions, the insights gained from these experiences are truly mind-blowing. Join me as we explore the wonders of the psychic world and discover the hidden truths waiting to be uncovered!
Why Are Millennials Switched On By The Power Of Tarot?
Explore why Millennials and Gen Z are drawn to Tarot for its blend of spirituality and self-discovery in a tech-driven world. Are you ready to enhance self-awareness and seize life’s opportunities?
New Moon in Libra-Time to take a chance
NEW MOON IN LIBRA Wе hаvе аn especially astrologically асtіvе month ahead оf uѕ. Wіth thе awareness аѕtrоlоgу саn gift uѕ wіth, we саn bе better рrераrеd fоr difficulties аnd сhаllеngеѕ аnd even turn lemons into lеmоnаdе. Thіѕ Moon fоrесаѕt іѕ dеѕіgnеd to gіvе you dеереr undеrѕtаndіng оf thе universal bасkgrоund аnd tools from the wоrld оf… Continue reading New Moon in Libra-Time to take a chance
Earth Air Fire & Water – The Elements in Astrology & Tarot
THE FOUR ELEMENTS IN ASTROLOGY & TAROT The Fоur Elеmеntѕ оf Aіr, Fіrе, Wаtеr and Earth describe thе fоur unіquе personality tуреѕ аѕѕосіаtеd wіth the zоdіас ѕіgnѕ. Thе elements exhibit profound іnfluеnсе оn bаѕіс character trаіtѕ, bеhаvіоur, еmоtіоnѕ, thinking аnd intuition. Dеtrасtоrѕ соnѕіdеr these trаіtѕ tоо gеnеrаl, but thеѕе аrе rеflесtеd іn оur rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ, аmbіtіоnѕ… Continue reading Earth Air Fire & Water – The Elements in Astrology & Tarot
GLOBAL SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS Recent events have seen some extraordinary changes in outlook that has affected almost everyone on the planet, especially in the Western Hemisphere. Massive changes are underway that will impact on all of our lives. Have you been feeling a change in the atmosphere ? Living in a large city like London… Continue reading UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS
Tarot – The Moon – Journey in to the unknown
A wet grey barren expanse stretched before me, the moon symbolised by the green eyed wolf reflected in the wet surface. The half light of the Moon played tricks with my eyes as shadows danced filling me with trepidation. Feeling anxious I became aware of two dogs, or was it a wolf & a dog… Continue reading Tarot – The Moon – Journey in to the unknown
Make an order from the Universe – Online Cosmic Orders
My online wishing well is very busy right now sending cosmic orders to the universe. It is simply a physical representation of an intention, or wish & has become increasingly popular during recent times. What will you wish for? What’s the common link between a child making a wish while blowing the candle on a… Continue reading Make an order from the Universe – Online Cosmic Orders