5 Ways to turbocharge Your intuition

5 Things People With Great Intuition Do Every Day The term intuition means a sixth sense, an inner voice or instinct that tells you how to act or respond, often quickly and without thinking about it. Some people seem to have great instinct and can often tell the outcome of a situation or the right… Continue reading 5 Ways to turbocharge Your intuition

Psychic Text Reading


My best psychics & clairvoyants provide fast confidential answers to your burning questions. Simply text and you will receive fast informative responses from your psychic advisor straight to your mobile. Text today, your answers are waiting. Psychic readings have been taken to a whole new level with SMS psychic readings, thanks to modern technology. Nowadays,… Continue reading Psychic Text Reading

Tarot-The Fool’s Journey – part 1

Don't pity the Fool

The Fools journey represents every souls transition as they move forward through life. Each major key or Greater Secret of the Major Arcana represents a seminal lesson that must be learnt. In order to reveal the authentic self each of these 22 keys must be absorbed. This quick overview of the journey is based on… Continue reading Tarot-The Fool’s Journey – part 1

Tarot & Astrology – reveal your true personality

Order from chaos with the Grand Etteilla tarot

No matter how ‘good’ we strive to be it is important that we recognise all aspects of our personality. Everyone has different sides to their character, even presenting a different version of ourselves in different situations. By becoming conscious of elements of our personality that arise when we are challenged, tired or stressed for example,… Continue reading Tarot & Astrology – reveal your true personality