Reconnect to your magic

powerful psychic readings
The cards are turned, alternative futures are revealed.

All of us have an internal safe haven, a refuge were we feel completely in tune with mind, body & spirit. It is a delicate balance, a complicated dance through life to stay as close to our authentic self as we are able. To be in the zone where our creativity & wonder reveal to us just what an amazing journey life can be.

“Make a commitment now  to reconnect to your magic”

My internal magic is the Tarot, it really is part of my DNA & helps me to understand my existence, enlightening my journey. Everyone has their own magic fuel that validates & empowers them. From musicians to scientists, skaters to young mums, I like nothing better than spending time with people whose enthusiasm & dedication is infectious, whatever their focus happens to be. What is your purpose, the one thing that you would spend all your time doing if all other distractions were removed & money was no object. Make a commitment now to reconnect to your magic, no more excuses, time to feed your soul.

New Normal

As we all blink back in to the ‘new normal’ it is fascinating how people have changed. The stories through the cards show that recent times have, in many cases, fast forwarded peoples lives.

Changes in relationships, people realising that not everyone who was in their orbit really needed to be there. Many realising that they actually hated lifelong careers & having the courage to take a leap of faith, reboot & follow their dreams.

There was no running away, no distracting ourselves, we were stuck with ourselves and had to very quickly adapt.

So many have found new meaning, have found a way to sit with their head, found ways to journey inside.

Technology has been crucial to our connections, thrown up questions in readings like “How can we be in love? We have never even met!” 

The biggest surprise is that so many of us have finally learnt to live with the person who has been with us all along, ourselves.

Today might be Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus. Your Tarot cards may talk of brave new worlds. The truth is the next step is always yours, may it carry you exactly where you need to go.

Free Tarot Readings

London Clairvoyant

Trusted Psychics

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