The recent Gemini Full Moon, Monday, November 30, 2020, lunar eclipse brought so much air energy, I need to focus, maybe just start or finish one of the 300 projects that are coursing through my mind.
Check out my 1 min Moon meaning movie in my Majors reboot: TAROTREHAB – MOON TAROT CARD MEANING
My mother would have been scanning her almanac, looking for the perfect planting opportunities. This is the frost moon so the really precious plants would have moved into the greenhouse. I don’t know if she ever saw one but it is also the beaver moon. She certainly always noticed the squirrel contingent preparing their stash for the months ahead.
The amplified eclipse energy shines a light on blocks that you allow to sit around at the back of your mind. Those challenges that you have decided to process one day when you feel strong enough, ready enough. Well honey , that time is now, time to kick out some of those negative loops that are simply not relevant anymore.
Changes to our routine are set to throw major curveballs revealing exciting new paths for us to engage with. We need to step up & get on board.
Shifts are occurring, the way we have always done things simply may not exist anymore. The perfect portal opens for us to slip through, emerging as a more evolved version of ourselves. Fears over security need to be put in to perspective. Relationships shine under this moon, your inner extrovert is tapping their fingers, time to get out there & work it, even if it is virtually.
This year has brought change, the next few weeks are change on steroids. If we open our minds, sidestep the energy vampires (you know who they are) then we have every reason to be quietly optimistic about the new age we are set to enter.
It’s time to shine. The Moon always heralds a seismic shift, time to grow. Things are changing like never before, will you?