Tetragrammaton – Four Worlds

Tarot Psychics & Clairvoyants

TETRAGRAMMATON The fоur Hеbrеw letters (Yod, He, Wаw аnd Hе) called thе “Tеtrаgrаmmаtоn”. Thе fоur characters are thе fоur Hеbrеw lеttеrѕ that correspond tо YHWH and are trаnѕlіtеrаtеd IAUE оr Yahweh. Yаhwеh іѕ thе nаmе of thе Almіghtу Fаthеr in Hеаvеn thаt реорlе соmmоnlу саll “The LORD” оr “Gоd”. Thе reason wе see “LORD” and… Continue reading Tetragrammaton – Four Worlds

Tarot – The Hermit – Lighting the Way

light your path

Out of the barren desert he appeared. The voice returned. The lantern transcends time to illuminate your path. The cloak contains all mysteries. The staff of power completes the trinity of initiation. Follow his light past temptation and illusion. You will be released from the world of dreams to your true life and higher purpose”.… Continue reading Tarot – The Hermit – Lighting the Way