Daily Tarot Reading

Art from the Crowley Thoth Tarot
alchemy, of divine unexpected combinations, taking something mundane & making it precious.

Book Your Personal Tarot Reading

You can see my daily chosen card on my Instagram here @omaratarot Check out my new Tarot meanings knowledge base which details every tarot card in the deck.

Got round to watching ‘The Witch of Kings Cross’ online. Fascinating how Rosaleen Norton combined her love for the occult with art, was totally consumed by her calling. Really great to see someone who literally did what they liked. Totally lived their authentic life. She regularly got arrested, outraged society, had her art burnt by the authorities. She rocked it, still dropping acid in to her 60’s, what a woman I’m slightly in awe.

The Art card from the Thoth deck speaks of alchemy, of divine unexpected combinations

One of those rare moments where a late night tv veg out session really fires your enthusiasm. When the Crowley section started I was transfixed, I had to dig out the Thoth deck today for my daily tarot reading.

The Art card from the Thoth deck speaks of alchemy, of divine unexpected combinations, taking something mundane & making it precious. Taking order, patterns & systems. Be that Tarot or Astrology, art – whatever it is that fires you and using that to make sense of the chaos, to bring satisfaction.

Changing times

Recently the demographic of people seeking advice through a Tarot reading has taken a definite shift towards the younger generations. A quick psychic text is often enough to confirm something for them. Not seeking tall dark strangers these questioners are looking to fill areas of their lives not satisfied by increasingly immersive technologies.

Tarot is the choice of millennials intrigued by the self development aspect of the cards, how the different archetypes can be used to focus on how choices made today can forge the life you wish to create tomorrow.  

The myriad levels of a Tarot reading provide the detail. The New Age of Aquarius is being embraced by Gen Z who are less judgemental & more open minded towards spiritual practices. 

The younger generation are now becoming interested in the old ways. The age range is from teenagers to older people, every demographic. Teenagers are generally looking for reassurance about the usual teenage angst, anxiety & relationships. The older generation expect the traditional ‘ cross my palm with silver’ type reading. Really interestingly are the younger mostly professional people who want to see what is reflected in the ‘Tarot mirror’ as to how they can become the best version of themselves. What they can work on in their psyche to develop personally, or focus on to increase their career prospects. This is why a phone psychic reading is often the preferred reading of the younger tech savvy generation.

I’m off to investigate Rosaleen a bit more, she is exactly the antidote I need right now. I hope today is inspirational for you, it’s gorgeous in the metropolis.

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