Judgement – Your Wake Up Call

judgement tarot meaning


The Spirit of the Primal Fire.

The Judgement Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :

The Judgement Tarot CardAppearance :
JUDGMENT-The angel of the day of judgment
appears in the clouds blowing her trumpet.
Below, tombs open releasing spirits of a man
woman & child. They joyously rise up naked
celebrating the call.

The Judgement Tarot Card – Interpretation :
This card predicts the satisfactory accomplishment
of work well done, regeneration of mind or body
after a period of suffering and waste, triumph over
all odds, a legal judgment in one’s favor.
Friendship exalted. The renunciation of the married state.
Seeing clearly, awakening.
The moment of decision.
Renewing one’s attitude and approach.
Opening to spiritual influences.
Freedom from past guilt; a strong desire to improve.
The ability to see all sides of an issue or situation.
Inspiration moves the project ahead.
This is your wake up call, hear the Trumpet. You
must decide to enjoy your time on the Physical plane.
Regret must be released, you are liberated. You have
the ability to release yourself from the binds of your
existence. You have been searching for meaning in
your existence, you have been evolving. Your
awareness is sharp, your energy is rising. Take hold
of your destiny. The World Card awaits, you are
advancing rapidly. Do not seek to control your
course it is beyond you now.

Enjoy the Challenge.

The Judgement Tarot Card – Correspondences


Tree of Life Path : 21
Trump : 20 – Judgement

Hebrew Letter : shin

Element, Planet, Zodiac

Deities : Hades, Pluto
Animal : Lion
Plant : Poppy, Hibiscus

My Relationship with Judgement
I regularly renew my relationship with The Tarot through
meditation. I can conjure up the images wherever I am in
my world & step through the frame, into theirs.
One of the last times I travelled into the Judgement card,
I was on a beach listening to a hypnosis mp3 on my phone.
As I stepped in to the card I could actually hear the trumpet
of the Angel, I could actually walk behind the souls being
released by the call. I had conversations with them, they
asked me what was holding me back ? Tarot was my destiny,
always had been, & I had to now commit to follow that path.
This was my ‘through the looking glass’ moment,
as I counted back to ‘the real world’ I was struck with awe.
From all of my many thousands of encounters with
Tarot, this was by far the most astonishing. I have recreated some of these moments in my Tarot Meaning Movies in the tarotrehab section of this site.
I was momentarily afraid that I would never come back
through the frame but then realised that this was a portal
that I could step through at any time. The door to
the world of Tarot had opened for me. This was my
wake up call …

Will Judgement make an appearance in your reading? Try a personal phone tarot card reading today

Judgement, This is Your Wake Up Call … Are You ready ?

Paul O’Mara

Keep looking to the future …

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