New Tarot Readings

5 card tarot spreads. Past, present, future. Choose your cards.

Book Your Personal Tarot Reading “Welcome seeker, shuffle my painted pasteboards, proceed with the ritual. Time to turn your first card of destiny”… Visit my Tarot page to try my free tarot readings. Ok this is a posed spread but can you imagine if a sitter pulled these! I’ve been reading my whole life &… Continue reading New Tarot Readings

Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius

total lunar eclipse also known as a “Blood Moon"

Sagittarius the archer brings fiery optimism to ward off the impending Mercury Retrograde. The last Super Moon of 2021 – this moon is also a total lunar eclipse though only visible from certain locations. Sagittarius sets us on a search for security. We have expanded our boundaries & any goals we have set ourselves should… Continue reading Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius


The search for true happiness always leads inside

How are you? The standard British response is ‘Fine thank you!’ Someone may have burnt their house down, lost all their money on the horses, or just woken up feeling desperate, for no apparent reason. The response should be the same ‘Fine’. Some mornings you can wake up at the crack of doom being chased… Continue reading happy?

What do you seek?

Paul O'Mara Tarot & Clairvoyants London

What is your deepest desire? After years of answering these questions through the ages the greatest fortune teller produced the answers with their oracles of destiny. There is no logic as to why they work, or how they work. Just the fact that, in the right hands, they do work. The questioner leaves lighter than… Continue reading What do you seek?

Attract the Relationship You Want

Love yourself first. What are the keys to a successful relationship?

It’s safe to say that love is something that we all aspire to have. The idea of having someone who treats us right and makes us feel incredible is a dream come true. So how do we manifest these types of relationships? Can the Law of Attraction be used to find true love? Of course!… Continue reading Attract the Relationship You Want

Classic 3 card Tarot

Past. present & future. All will be revealed in this classic tarot spread.

Easy Three card Tarot spreads are often the first spread a budding reader learns, with good reason, they are amazing! They offer clear & simple answers to what can often be complex situations by breaking down the situation in to past, present & future. They allow for more room for involvement between the seeker &… Continue reading Classic 3 card Tarot

The March Full Moon – The Worm Moon

There is no denying the power of a full moon. Regardless of your sign, the full moon can have an effect on your feelings, emotions and desires.

Explore the Worm Moon in March, signaling spring as earthworms surface. Discover its names and the value of journaling during this full moon to reflect on your life’s journey and challenges.

Daily Tarot Reading

alchemy, of divine unexpected combinations, taking something mundane & making it precious.

Book Your Personal Tarot Reading You can see my daily chosen card on my Instagram here @omaratarot Check out my new Tarot meanings knowledge base which details every tarot card in the deck. Got round to watching ‘The Witch of Kings Cross’ online. Fascinating how Rosaleen Norton combined her love for the occult with art,… Continue reading Daily Tarot Reading