Attract the Relationship You Want

Love yourself first. What are the keys to a successful relationship?

It’s safe to say that love is something that we all aspire to have. The idea of having someone who treats us right and makes us feel incredible is a dream come true. So how do we manifest these types of relationships? Can the Law of Attraction be used to find true love? Of course!… Continue reading Attract the Relationship You Want


O'Mara Tarot & Clairvoyants

Being isolated has made us face our energy Boundaries are expanding everyday. Even in such a relatively short time so much has changed. Surprised by how these times have affected many, some old pastimes now seem so irrelevant, time has become more precious.⁣ Being isolated has made us face our energy ⁣ New projects have… Continue reading transition

secrets revealed

High Priestess

The High Priestess, Priestess of the Silver Star, Keeper of the keys. When she appears knowledge washes my subconscious. Not details, fragments, snippets of other times, places. The older you get the more you realise life is backwards, sideways, all at once. Time is not a straight line, it’s a scribble, difficult to unravel like… Continue reading secrets revealed

Book With No Pages

Where to look for online psychic readings.

Tarot, the book with no pages. An Almanac of inner truths, symbolic Arcana. 78 magical pasteboards of truth, perfect to while away the hours, though not for fun or triviality. I have read countless books on the Tarot searching for the essential element that will finally decode & reveal it’s hidden mysteries, once & for… Continue reading Book With No Pages