Is your life on hold?

hanged man tarot meaning

Are you waiting for when you have enough money, when you are the perfect weight? We often put our happiness on hold ‘until’. In my experience that moment never comes, we need to realise that the only moment we really have is right now, we must work in the moment to manifest our purpose & happiness.

“grab the moment & manifest the life you deserve”

Today I woke in the middle of a monsoon, half crazy dreams still coursing through my mind. Every morning is a chance to reboot, reassess & reinvent. What is real & what are still remnants of dreams. Time to make a plan of how I can manifest my best of days, what actions will actually make a difference. The Hanged Man confirmed that I have been suspended, now is the time to go forth & be fabulous. Have a truly transformational day, grab the moment & manifest the life you deserve.

The Major Tarot Cards  The High Priestess, The Hanged Man, Judgement & The World were the Major cards featured in a reading I gave to a lady the other day & obviously such a concentration of Major Arcana Cards led to an interesting reading. If you feel your life is in flux or that you have a burning question, my best Clairvoyants, Tarot Readers & Psychics can help you find clarity with a psychic reading by telephone

The journey of the Major Arcana is often referred to as ‘The Fool’s Journey‘, we follow The Fool as he encounters each Trump card that in turn represent the stages of a person’s existence. From literally nothing, through birth, relationships, spiritual development and ultimately back to nothing via death. The Fool, with his number 0, represents this perpetual cycle. The Major Arcana are undoubtedly the most powerful messages of the Tarot and reflect major life events and challenges to personal development. Whenever a telephone tarot reading comprises a high proportion of Major Arcana cards, you can be sure that big decisions are going to need to be made.

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