Book With No Pages

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Tarot, the book with no pages. An Almanac of inner truths, symbolic Arcana. 78 magical pasteboards of truth, perfect to while away the hours, though not for fun or triviality. I have read countless books on the Tarot searching for the essential element that will finally decode & reveal it’s hidden mysteries, once & for all. After 40+ years of study I have had to admit defeat, there is no mystery to be found. The Tarot is not a definitive, quantifiable entity, it is a magic, a confection of witchery that will continue to amaze & inform those that dive in to it’s untold layers of wisdom

“The Tarot is not a game”

The Tarot is not a game, though it is said to have evolved from one. An Oracle of Power & personal development, the Tarot, & most importantly the 22 Keys of The Major Arcana, is a unique world of untold possibilities. In the right hands a Tarot reading is a dance between two souls, yielding insights to astonish, inspire & amaze. The Tarot has had a bad press for many centuries yet it can not reveal bad news, it can only reveal your truths, alternate paths that could unfold to finally manifest the existence you have always been seeking.


The painted pasteboards turn, a dance between two souls. One day we will be but a story, the Tarot, the book with no pages contains every story ever told.

It’s your story, you are the author, what is your next chapter? As a card reader you never tell anyone anything, you just reveal a clue that sets them off on a fresh journey of discovery. Tales need to be told, old battles & victories need to be discussed, it is the as yet undiscovered where the magic lives.

As we shift through time the story doesn’t always have a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s not always necessary to understand everything, just make the best of the moment we have right now to manifest an extraordinary tomorrow.

Never stop learning

I’ve been studying Tarot for 40 years, yet every day a new lesson is revealed, a new layer is uncovered. Each card sparks a unique thought process for those who are drawn to the magic of Tarot.

Each page on my Tarot site dives deep in to each card. The visuals, the meaning. Now you can also step in to my deck alongside me in my animated Tarot Rehab Movies or just for fun see what the Fortune Telling Machine reveals for you.

In our 3 second world I believe the transformational power of Tarot is more important than ever. Time to stop reacting, take a beat, be patient, conquer with calmness.

It’s not until we change gear & choose to be the person we know we are destined to be that we understand why we have been spinning our wheels for so long.

Like policemen the seekers who reveal themselves to me seem to be getting younger. Behind all the ‘coolness’ & the desire to appear unimpressed by everything. Are the same basic human desires. To be heard, heck, maybe one day even to be loved by someone who truly gets them.

The young are a tribe looking to be understood & accepted. They get a bum deal at the moment if you ask me, take the blame for everything. They also need to remember the old timers that wind them up have been round the block a few times, they might just have a few nuggets of info that could be useful.

The 3 second concentration span is a symptom of trying to process the chaos of the world we find ourselves in. The constant bombardment of what we could do, should do.

I hope today is transformational for you, take a deep breath, slow down, you are exactly where you need to be.

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