The World – The Cycle Completed

world tarot meaning

The World

The Great One of the Night of Time.

The World Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :

The World Tarot Card – Appearance :
THE WORLD-An enchanting woman
encircled in a wreath of laurel roses
and lilies. The four evangelists, appear
as an angel, an eagle, a lion and
an ox, sitting in the four corners of the
card, as in The Wheel of Fortune Card.
The four corners of the Universe.

The World Tarot Card – Interpretation :
The power of the elements, earth, air, fire, and water are now
working in your favour.This is the ultimate card of the Major Arcana
The greatest Secret. The world represents completion, success
and triumph, the fulfillment of all desires is possible.
You will master your  emotions you are strong, you are
developing a deep understanding of life’s meaning.
You can expect news of travel, news of a house move,
be aware of influences or offers on the career front.
You are developing self-control your  outlook is more mature.
Focus your  will you have clarity and developing responsibility.
Strive for your goals; finishing what you start.
You are more conscious that everything is connected.
Embrace life, foster a  positive attitude.
Your finances are set to improve, be aware of how you spend now.
You have a good reputation, people will gravitate towards you.
You rise above trivial matters, you are now free to forge
ahead confident in your new-found clarity, you will undoubtedly succeed in all new ventures or projects. You have developed a
great understanding of life & great rapport with other people,
you are able to make others happy and to share your
wisdom. Selecting this card in your spread or in a tarot phone reading  guarantees ultimate
happiness, you are deserving of it, you must realise this is
a very powerful Major Arcana card that symbolises a
higher state of existence. Appreciate that a happier more
peaceful phase is starting for you, look around you, extend
your horizons.
You are developing self-control your  outlook is more mature.
Focus your  will you have clarity and developing responsibility.
Strive for your goals; finishing what you start.
You are more conscious that everything is connected.
Embrace life, foster a  positive attitude.
Your finances are set to improve.
You have a good reputation, people will gravitate towards you.
More Truthful understanding of your problems stabilize your current

The World is Yours, Move Beyond Your Limitations.

The World Tarot Card – Correspondences


Tree of Life Path : 22
Trump : 21 – The World

Hebrew Letter : tav

Element, Planet, Zodiac

Deities : Sebek, Saturn
Animal : Crocodile
Plant : Ash, Hellebore

My Relationship with The World
The World. When I get the feeling that everything is going to plan, all aspects of my life are working. When I feel stable & ready to face anything, safe in the knowledge that things will turn out in my favour, that is when I can expect to welcome The World in to my reading. The state of existence embodied by The World in Tarot is the culmination of a rocky journey down The Royal Road. When I notice that I am well adjusted in all areas of my existence, when I can focus on what is truly important, to realise that most worries are an illusion, that I can transcend my earth bound existence. When I am no longer reactionary, have relinquished my ego and feel at one with my universe, that is The World where I wish to reside. It is unfortunately, almost impossible to maintain this exalted state for any length of time. Too many distractions & temptations crowd our modern existence. This is called in Buddhism ‘ The Thousand Things ‘. The happiest I have ever been is when I was living healthily, practising yoga regularly, cycling my daily journeys, an ideal existence. I find the lifestyle in the far east, especially Thailand, soothes my spirit. Who knows, one day when The World spins in to my orbit, maybe I will be in a position to split my life between the whirl of London & somewhere more relaxing.

The World has one final message. We have forgotten what we knew to be important. Consumerism now drives most peoples existence. I am writing this in the sun at Christmas, now the present giving has passed we are left with getting our priorities right for the promise of the New Year. Some people think they will only be happy when they earn more, to be able to buy more stuff. They feel that endlessly chasing for newer, better things, they will somehow feed the gnawing desire that burns within them. I know this is not true, now when I hear myself say ” I need xxx” I see if I can in fact replace “need” in that sentence with ” want “. Pretty much all of the time I can. I am now very careful to count my blessings, I am in a happy relationship in a comfortable home & can cover my bills. Yes I am striving towards a better life for myself, I make sure, however, to truly appreciate the life that I have got.

Every time The World appears in a reading incredible opportunities are presented. You will certainly have worked hard to reach this pinnacle of The Major Arcana. Move forward with certainty, you are outside of the realms of normality, at the top of your game, enjoy ! .

The World – The Great Awakening, You Mean The World To Me .. Let Your light illuminate the World …

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Paul O’Mara

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