Meaning of the Snow Moon

February brings the second full moon of the year: the full snow moon

February 27, 2021 – How will the Full Snow Moon in Virgo Affect You? My mother loved the Full Moon, the Almanac would be out, all the superstitions, the gossip. Of course that’s why I am such a moon baby, join me to learn more in my meaning of the Moon Tarot movie. Ruby Josephine,… Continue reading Meaning of the Snow Moon

Tarot – The Moon – Journey in to the unknown

Changing light, change of season

A wet grey barren expanse stretched before me, the moon symbolised by the green eyed wolf reflected in the wet surface. The half light of the Moon played tricks with my eyes as shadows danced  filling me with trepidation. Feeling anxious I became aware of two dogs, or was it a wolf & a dog… Continue reading Tarot – The Moon – Journey in to the unknown