In these hard times learn to create abundance …

tarot spread for love
Tarot Spreads For Love

Many people visit me or my site & make requests along the lines of “I demand that you command the Universe to bring me riches beyond my wildest dreams” 🙂 or ” I will win the such & such a LOTTO with these numbers ….”. Though it is undoubtedly possible to manifest whatever you want, thinking that the Universe owes you a living is slightly deluded. Many people say to me that I live a charmed life & believe that I made a success of my self overnight. Nothing could be further from the truth! Though I am lucky enough to live a happy, healthy life, I have put in an awful lot of hard work to achieve the things that I wanted to materialise. The secret to the positive energy of my site & indeed every reading that I do is that I am incredibly committed to providing the best service that I can & also have real belief in everything that I do. I have struggled for many years to hone my work and realise that the journey I am on will never be completed. No matter how much I study there is always something else that will keep my readings & services at the forefront of Psychic services. I am also fortunate enough to realise that I need to keep my eyes peeled for encounters that will enable me to achieve the next level in my development. It took many years for me to understand that everyone I meet has a lesson that I need to learn. Even if an encounter seems negative I always consciously step out of the picture to visualise what the Universe is trying to tell me through all of my daily encounters. A great example is that as my site develops I am being increasingly advised to make it more commercial, to remove all the free readings & to make myself inaccessible to the very people who I set up the site for. As you can probably tell this goes against all of my principles, I set up my site PRECISELY because I couldn’t find a site that balanced accurate paid Psychic services with free Psychic readings. There are many, many sites & services operated by people who have no interest in the Psychic arts & I found this distressing which is why my site will continue to offer free services regardless.

The point of this post is that yes you can manifest exactly the life that you desire. The thing is you have to be willing to strive for it & really believe & be able to see yourself at a point in the future living your dream. Only then will you begin to attract the success you desire.

Finally if you are one of those people who email me demands ( sometimes 50 times a day ! ) Please don’t, use your imagination to create your new reality. Simply see yourself as the perfect you several months from now living your dream life, thoughts really do become things. Start now ! Good Luck ….

Keep looking to the future

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