Sometimes change creeps up slowly, sometimes like a bolt from the blue.
Man dies many times in his life before the one time this guy rocks up.
The Sun will rise again
Nobody dies when the death card appears, outdated beliefs or ways of living do.
Change is all around me right now. My mind allows me to see all situations at once. I have to fight to focus on what is really important.
Like this moment.
Moon in Taurus. Reinvention, the urge to achieve something that fires your soul. The spiritual wifi reboots, your connection to source strengthens, smash the resistance it’s time to show what you are capable of.
What does it mean to draw the death card in a tarot reading?
We all face continuous transition, change, renewal. Your inner power ignites, arise like the phoenix from the shadows of your past. You can start a fresh page every day.
Make todays chapter a good one
Step inside the death card with me – Death tarot meaning Video
“The Sun will rise again, I am Death, the Fool knows not of me. Your life is fear & dreams, will you truly live this life before I come looking for you? ”
Status, ritual, wealth or age hold no interest to me. Look upon me with eyes of wonder, the eyes of a child, only they do not fear me, they can see I am simply change & reinvention.
My river is the flow of every life, changing direction as every chapter is revealed. The dawn between the pillars of Life & Death show every ending heralds a new beginning.
Your new life is coming online. Our beliefs die, now is the time for reinvention. Continuously, expanding our horizons. Revealing endless new opportunities. .
My card has had a bad rap, the gypsy fortune tellers painted a very dark picture of me. My sign is Scorpio, magnetic, mysterious. Secrets will be revealed. Pluto pulls emotion from the depths allowing you to release yourself, to emerge in a new dimension.
Your authentic self finally emerges from the cocoon. Spread your wings ….
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