The Nine of Pentacles – Accept abundance, What is your true path ?

The Nine of Pentacles. The Lord of Material Gain The Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Confidence Success Attraction Appreciation Rest Enjoyment Clarity The Nine of Pentacles – Appearance The Nine of Pentacles sees the nine golden coins suspended in front of a sulphorous sky. A vertical golden key… Continue reading The Nine of Pentacles – Accept abundance, What is your true path ?

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A Break From The Journey … Buying Tarot & an Online Psychic Shop ….

select your spread, answers from the Tarot

I am taking a very short break from my journey down the Royal Road of Tarot …. Two questions I am always asked is , Tarot ? “Are you not afraid ?” & ” Where can I buy your Tarot cards ?” 1. Does the Tarot scare me? Many people ask me if I am… Continue reading A Break From The Journey … Buying Tarot & an Online Psychic Shop ….

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The Eight of Pentacles – Hard Work & Focus Guarantees Results

The cards are turned, alternative futures are revealed.

The Eight of Pentacles. The Lord of Prudence The  Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Perseverance Study Application Commitment Dedication Tenacity Steadfastness The Eight of Pentacles – Appearance On the Eight of Pentacles we see a young apprentice fashioning a Pentacle. Seven are complete. A typical street scene is… Continue reading The Eight of Pentacles – Hard Work & Focus Guarantees Results

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The Seven of Pentacles – Harvest the rewards but don’t rest on your laurels

The Seven of Pentacles. The Lord of success unfulfilled The  Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Encouragement Development Application Results Exertion Determination Rewards Realisation Experience The Seven of Pentacles – Appearance Seven suspended golden coins above a field that yields a successful harvest, the seeds that have been planted… Continue reading The Seven of Pentacles – Harvest the rewards but don’t rest on your laurels

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The Six of Pentacles – Enjoy & share success, remember to plan for the future

The Six of Pentacles. The Lord of Material Success The Six of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Benefit Balance Earnings Generosity Prosperity Indulgence The Six of Pentacles – Appearance Golden coins fall from a disembodied hand, six pentacles surround, across an open plain a Mansion house can be seen beside… Continue reading The Six of Pentacles – Enjoy & share success, remember to plan for the future

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The Five of Pentacles – What is really missing in your life ?

The Five of Pentacles. The Lord of Material Trouble The Five of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Awareness Anxiety Reluctance Stubbornness Despair The Five of Pentacles – Appearance Five Pentacles glow in a snowy sky, in the distance a church with bright stained-glass windows waits The Five of Pentacles Tarot… Continue reading The Five of Pentacles – What is really missing in your life ?

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The Four of Pentacles – Be wary of material things, the answer lies elsewhere

The Four of Pentacles. The Lord of Earthly Power The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Grounding Materialism Integrity Efficiency Motivation Selfishness Obsession The Four of Pentacles – Appearance : Disembodied arms grasp a Pentacle tightly, three other Pentacles have escaped this grip. A small hamlet can be seen… Continue reading The Four of Pentacles – Be wary of material things, the answer lies elsewhere

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The Three of Pentacles – Accept recognition and rewards

The Three of Pentacles. The Lord of the Material World The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading : Skill Recognition Development Quality Understanding Expansion Professionalism The Three of Pentacles – Appearance : Three Pentacles are seen floating around a new architectural structure, a dreamlike sky is seen in the background… Continue reading The Three of Pentacles – Accept recognition and rewards