The Three of Wands – Higher Perception

three of wands tarot meaning

The Three of Wands.

The Three of Wands Tarot Card – Appearance
On the three of Wands, we find ourselves stood on a cliff looking out over a choppy sea towards a landmass in the distance. From our viewpoint we look down on sailboats that appear to be leaving port.

Numerical Value: 3

The Three of Wands Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :


The Three of Wands Tarot Card – Interpretation :
When The Three of Wands shows up things will literally fall in to place in the very near future for you. Long held dreams can now be pulled in to the realms of reality just by you allowing them to happen. Do you feel that you deserve a break ? Allow yourself to accept that you can now move aspects of your life forward. Opportunity will present themselves, you need to be fully aware & position yourself to capitalise on these .  A new way of working will be successful for you, change your outlook, don’t just do what you have always done, raise your game.  Commit yourself, have courage in your present direction & success in all of your ventures will be forthcoming. All areas of your life are moving swiftly forward, be sure not to be left behind, and be sure not to allow your focus to drift from your intentions.

The Three of Wands Tarot Card – Correspondences

Zodiac : Aries. –  Planet : Sun

Alchemical Element : Fire

My Relationship with The Three of Wands
When The Three appears to me I know that I or the person having a tarot phone reading are in a position of control we are above our situation & can to a certain extent direct the outcome. News of a partnership in business, international ventures & a chance to expand in new directions are all starred. The beginning of the final phase of a project or goal is oftened signalled by the Three. Patience is necessary now, emotion should be avoided as success is waiting but only when we can remain calm & focused enough to push forward for the final phase.
In relationships an attraction to someone who is unobtainable may trouble you or your partner. This is harmless though may initially be unsettling, it can indicate the development of a more secure foundation in a long term friendship or relationship.
The Three of Wands always reminds me of people that are no longer in my life, or indeed no longer alive. If I close my eyes & tune in I can feel the energy of departed friends, it has taken me a long time to accept that certain friends have left this plane.Through experience I know that Death is not the end & am happy to think that I will be re-united with those who have gone before. This is a recurring question on my forum, one that will never be resolved, but an interesting debate nonetheless.
The Three tells me that although we are all rooted in our day to day reality we acn all rise above the physical. If we look out across our lives we really appreciate the moments that are truly important. The Three of Wands offers great opportunities, when I see this card I immediately focus to become aware of chances that are open to me if I wish to apply myself.Whenever I am feeling that my life needs to take a new direction the Three of Wands is sure to sail in to my reading.

The Three tells me to check where I am, where I have been, where I want to go …

Where are you ? What are your plans ?

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