The Sun – Let Your Light Illuminate Your World

sun tarot meaning

The Sun.

Lord of the Fire of the World

The Sun Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :

The Sun Tarot Card – Appearance :
The Sun – The Sun burns, above a
small child in a field of sunflowers.

The Sun Tarot Card – Interpretation :
This card is assured success, awaited reunions, improvements in health, a new & more childlike optimistic outlook. completion of all projects, especially those connected with the home. You begin to take pleasure in the simple things in life. Accept that things are improving for you.

Recently you may have felt that life was conspiring to make things difficult for you, now you can sense that, in time, you can achieve satisfaction & recognition. You do however need to be patient & learn to get all the facts before voicing your opinion. You are emerging from a period of uncertainty.
You have faced several disappointments. In Love you may have one
serious regret. News of childbirth surrounds the Sun card, the energy
of this card can be blinding, make sure you pay attention, loss of
a small but important item such as keys can be indicated. Take care.
Be conscious all the joy in your life, tell all your loved ones how you feel even if you cannot be with them.
You have great compassion & developed substantial knowledge;
your personality is developing. A smile in the street will prove significant.
You are beginning to understand who you really are, release any habits that are harmful or waste your time. Don’t feel that you need to conform.
Your heart is opening, you will feel real joy. Just as the child on this card revel in a new Innocent optimistic phase. Anything that you aspire to is possible now, but do you still want what you thought you did?
Your body & mind are working together now, you have great synergy.
Be sure to relax your mind & exercise your body.
You have now moved through the barriers, you project happiness
unconsciously now you project happiness and ability.
Embrace any encounters you have at this time, a new important friend
is waiting to be discovered. Your inner child now comes out to play.

Enjoy yourself & revel in your individuality, break free from conformity. Remember Authentic Psychic Readers are always available to reveal the answers to your burning questions.

The Sun Tarot Card – Correspondences


Tree of Life Path : 20
Trump : 19 – The Sun

Hebrew Letter : resh

Element, Planet, Zodiac

Deities : Re, Helios
Animal : Lion, Sparrowhawk
Plant : Sunflower, Heliotrope

My Relationship with The Sun
I love the Sun, there I’ve said it, I am never happier than when I can feel my skin being bronzed, the hotter the better. This is a trait I have inherited from my mother who spends entire summers in her award winning garden.

During the long winter months I rely on a SAD ( seasonal affective disorder ) alarm clock that simulates the dawn. Before this discovery I have no idea how I ever made it through to spring. When The Sun burns everything seems possible, success is assured. I used to love the long 6 week school holidays, in retrospect they seem to have been blazing sunshine from beginning to end. Optimism  engulfs me when I am bathed in those golden rays , everything seems more alive, more vital.

I am aware that people exist who prefer the winter, the cold & the dark. this seems totally alien to me. The Sun card never fails to lift my mood, try it stare in to the card & imagine that you are lazing in a field of sunflowers. Wherever you are this type of creative visualisation can be a powerful tool to change your outlook & get you through difficult times.

Here comes The Sun …

Paul O’Mara

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