Open Your Heart

sun tarot meaning

A gorgeous moment of sunlight diffused through the blinds as I drew my daily card, The Sun. I dipped in to this lovely app & had some interactions that made me happy & inspired. It is all about the interaction, words that spark a thought process, sometimes that is all the medicine I need to set me up for a great day.⁣

Sun Tarot – Your heart is opening, you can feel real joy, just below the surface, if only you allow yourself & fade out the niggles of daily life. Just as the child on this card revel in a new Innocent optimistic phase. Anything that you aspire to is possible now, but do you still want what you thought you did?⁣

embrace the journey, it’s going to be amazing”

Always carry some sunshine within you. Should you meet someone who may be prone to living under a personal storm cloud, give them some of your positive vibes. We have to believe that we can bank some emotional sunshine, now more than ever we need the ability to shine like the brightest of lights.

We have been hiding behind the curtain for the longest time, time to let the sunshine in.

The Sun card symbolises luminous joy, blessings materialise.Your inner child now comes out to play. Enjoy yourself & revel in your individuality, break free from conformity.

Tarot Sun affirmation

“Understand the power of the rays combine with all in nature to create your reality. You are a divine being, let your light illuminate your world”

If you can, be the sunbeam to someones darkness today. Tell someone you love them, be a ray of light.

I hope today is a blazingly good day for you

Embrace any encounters you have at this time, a new important way of living is waiting to be discovered. Your inner child now comes out to play. Enjoy yourself & explore your individuality, there is only one you & you are the best you that you can be today.⁣

When we allow ourselves to slow down & register the beauty all around us, like the roses in this pic, we begin to think that maybe, just maybe, we can step in to our joy. Finally live the life we were destined to live, it really needn’t be that difficult. Release some of the pressures of the daily grind. Trust & embrace the journey, it’s going to be amazing.⁣

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