The path to happiness – Some quick & easy steps

secret of happiness

Quick and Easy Ways to a Happier Day

We all have times when our moods are anything but happy.  We try to think of the good things going on in our lives but only manage to find the negatives.

There are situations that seem impossible to correct, leaving mounds of depression in its wake. You struggle to get beyond that dark cloud with little to no success. Wouldn’t it be great if we could tap into simple ways to lift our spirits and feel better about ourselves. Here are some quick and easy ways to turn off the negatives and turn on the positives.

Happiness for me is getting lost in the Tarot. If you can make your favourite hobby a way of life then you have pretty much cracked it in my opinion. I am currently working on updating my tarot meanings list & am as happy as Larry.

The Path to Happiness:

Not only is walking a great source for health, but can help unload negative thoughts.  Taking a walk along a path in the forest is relaxing and soothing.  Soft shades of forest greens with streaks of sunlight drenching beds of yellow buttercups.  A soft breeze rustling through trees where birds perch singing happy tunes. As you emerge from the forest, you might just discover you were on the path to happiness.

Music Soothes the Savage Beast:

It is a fact that music has a strong influence on our moods and thoughts. Grab your favorite CD or find a radio station that caters to your songs.  Music will lift your spirits and soothe that savage beast that’s keeping you down.

Knowledge is Good for the Soul:

Maybe there is a topic that fascinates you but you have never really looked into it or maybe your eye will catch an article in a magazine that draws your attention.  Reading, in general, will focus you away from your negative thoughts.  Learning something new can be absolutely inspiring and is good for the soul. Finding your true path will always provide you with something that you can rely on that will always guarantee that you can connect to your inner happiness. My life long study is the interpretations, meanings and nuances of Tarot. If I am feeling out of sorts I can connect to the Tarot or study a new reading or spread and be assured that my mood will be lifted.

Laughter is Addictive:

Have you ever been in a public place and someone close is laughing so hard they start crying!  The normal reaction by others is to start laughing.  Laughter is very addictive and one of the very best ways to lift your emotions to great heights.  Find a funny movie, read a funny book, get your mind off stuff dragging you down.

Take a Deep Breath:

People who practice meditation will tell you this is one of the healthiest ways to clean out your thoughts.  Sit in a comfortable position, keeping your back straight, close your eyes and breathe!  Feel the flow of air entering and leaving your nose.  If you practice this for 10-15 minutes, you will be really surprised how great you are going to feel afterwards. Meet my monk like alter ego & take some time out with a meditation video. I’ve always been fascinated with meditation, diving in to the pools of my subconscious, leaving the trials of reality behind, so repetitive, so exhausting. Meditation allows us to leave the noise, the myriad distractions, slip away in to the silence.

Doodling is not Just for Kids:

Kids love drawing fun little sketches of funny looking figures or flowery swirls..  Adults like to doodle for various reasons such as talking on the phone or stuck in an extremely boring meeting!  Get a box of crayons, colorful pens or pencils and just start doodling away.  lt’s fun, it’s creative and before you know it, you’ll be in a better state of mind.  Doodling is not just for kids. As I said before Tarot is my main focus & my Tarot deck grew from a session of doodles & provided many years of enjoyment as I completed my Tarot deck, free readings, and Tarot and horoscope sites

You Are Luckier Than You Think:

You have a computer, you have access to the Internet, but you take them for granted, don’t you?  Well, there are many people who do not have a computer or the internet because they are not as fortunate as you. Some are barely able to feed themselves, some don’t even have a place to call home.  The next time you feel you have been cheated in life or just feeling sorry for yourself, think of those who are homeless, gravely ill or living in horrible situations.  You will discover just how lucky you really are and you should be rejoicing your blessings. It may be a cliché but can be a sobering experience. Gen Z are increasingly interested in the spiritual side of tarot, they don’t hang around they usually arrive via the tarot text service. You have to catch them quick but it is obvious they are seeking meaning beyond social media & technology, perhaps now is my time to jump in to TikTok 🙂

These are pretty simple, easy ways to drive off that “Gloomy Gus” and put a smile your face.  We all need a quick pick me up from time to time, so practice getting out of those moods with some of these ideas.  You might even think of many other ways you can turn your bad day into a great day. I wish you all the happiness in the World, remember by fostering a positive attitude you can truly create a happier reality.

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