Temperance Tarot – The test of Time

tarot temperance
everything in moderation
The Angel of Time , Temperance
Temperance Tarot Meanings & Meditation

And then before me an Angel. I was not afraid, the shimmering gold apparition was neither of heaven, nor of earth. The symbol burnt in to my mind, the triangle in a square. The impossible flow of water between the cups, continuous and hypnotic. I knew I was in the presence of unknowable power, great mysteries, I forced myself not to shy away, though the energy was so powerful.

I stared at the Angel & the voice came “ This is your initiation to the true mystery of the Tarot. The Future & the Past converge here, all time, eternity, infinity, all knowledge is available to you now. “

The cups held by the Angel signify the past & the future. The impossible stream of water between the two is the present moment, always fluid, always changing. When you pick a tarot card onlineTemperance appears in your reading you need to be listen carefully and be willing to completely change what you believe to be the truth. When Temperance appears I have found that the Angel of Time indicates that we need to realise that time as we think of it is not linear. All of our experiences are happening simultaneously and only as we get older can we realise that the prism of ‘the present’, where we view our current experience, is the lens that focuses the myriad revolving circles to help us interpret our current existence. The symbols on the card combine ‘God’ ( whatever that means to the questioner ), human form and our position in the universe. The Angels message is that at any moment, you can choose to understand all of the experience that has been presented to you. Before you proceed down the royal road of Tarot you can take all of the messages from the Major Arcana so far, from the Fool through Death, where you release any baggage that is no longer serving you can be released & embrace the Angel of Temperance, choosing to re-invent yourself as the person you know you were born to be for the rest of your journey.

Telephone psychics love when Temperance appears as the message is clear, a challenge at soul level is coming your way. Be flexible and optimistic, you will be surprised at how ready you are and how much preparation you have already done. Reassess your life, release anything that does not nurture or inspire you, enjoy everything else in moderation. The Angel has been waiting for you. If you feel unprepared then look and listen as never before as many mysteries will be revealed to you. Embrace these changes, re-invent yourself & go forward with the enthusiasm of a child.

Tarot meanings and meditations – Major and Minor Arcana

Psychic Tarot readings by telephone

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