Tarot The Star – Enlightening experience

star tarot
your lucky star
Star Tarot meanings and meditation
The Star Tarot – Inspiration

My mind exploded with simultaneous sparks of thought. Things that had previously confused me or that had been beyond my understanding suddenly made perfect sense as the beams of light in my brain connected like an information superhighway. I felt elated, though physically shaken, as everything I thought I knew took on new & exciting relevance as myriad new layers of meaning were revealed in a perfect moment of clarity.

Then in the sky above me  a white burst of light faded to reveal a huge, brilliant Star, orbited by seven smaller stars. I was overwhelmed and knew that the light I had been seeking was radiating in the connected network of brilliance before me. It was obvious that any darkness or negativity could not resist the true power of the Star, the light was an infinite inexhaustible force, touching everything in the Universe with its transformational energy.

My mind cleared and the voice came : “ You now understand that the connected sparks of light represent all thought throughout the Universe, when we think as one we can create worlds beyond imagination full of peace joy and unlimited potential. Now you have seen the light you must know that nothing is impossible for you now “

Through the radiance I saw a beautiful young woman. She poured water from two pitchers as a strange bird, an Ibis, watched from nearby. I was thirsty and thought I would approach and ask if I may drink from the pitchers. The young woman smiled and said “ Of course. Remember there is no darkness if you allow your authentic light to shine. Once you allow your truth to be revealed everything is infinitely possible”.

My mind swirls with ideas, inspired and revitalised I continued on my journey. What will the star reveal to you? Free Star Tarot Reading

shine bright

May the Star burn brightly for you, bringing abundance, awakening your dreams. Release the past, enjoy the present.  

No moving planet or painted pasteboard can manifest the life you want, it all comes down to personal responsibility. The future is bright if you believe it is but the magic begins with you.

The gorgeous Dali interpretation of the Star says The Star is your personal truth. The Star can reveal your truth, it is up to you to take hold of it & focus that energy.

The positivity of the Star isn’t ‘castles in the air’. The optimism is based on unshakeable self belief. Just showing up as your authentic self, doing the best you can.

The perfect antidote to those energy sponges we all meet. The positive vibe of the Star can carry us through any challenge if we allow our light to shine.

Will this be your lucky star ?

Tarot affirmation

There is no darkness if you 

allow your authentic light to shine.

Once your truth is revealed, 

everything is infinitely possible.


For the full movie – step inside the Star card with me. Check in to tarotrehab  2 minute Tarot journeys, for each key, your journey awaits. 

In Tarot phone readings The Star is revealed as the card of destiny. The questioner will meet with a person who will give new hope and strength to their life, often that person can be a renewed & reinvented version of ourselves, if we are open to change.

Occasionally life forces us to realise that we are at the limits of what we can offer, the only option is to step up a gear, to reinvent as an upgraded version of ourselves that can take this game to the next level.

Every imagined ending gives us a new beginning, a new chance to dazzle.

Then in the sky above me  a white burst of light faded to reveal a huge, brilliant Star.

My mind cleared and the voice came : “ You now understand that the connected sparks of light represent all thought throughout the Universe, when we think as one we can create worlds beyond imagination full of peace joy and unlimited potential. Under this powerful light you must know that nothing is impossible for you now “

When the Star appears remember there is no darkness if you allow your authentic light to shine. Once you allow your truth to be revealed everything is infinitely possible.

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