Tarot The High Priestess – The Keeper Of The Keys

high priestess tarot meaning
High Priestess

The High Priestess

Meaning in a Tarot reading :
Psychic power
Female Intuition
Secrets Revealed
Attention to detail
Emotionally distant

Appearance :

The next encounter for The Fool is with the enigmatic High Priestess. In contrast with the brashness of The Magician, she is the personification of veiled power. She appears between two pillars, one white, one black, polar opposites, adorned with the letters B & J.
These are highly significant and form the entrance to some Masonic
Temples even today.

Interpretation :

The High Priestess has the power of second sight and proves it to
The Fool by showing that she knows all about his life & lack of
direction. In psychic readings she symbolises that the sitter may themselves have some psychic ability. The Priestess has information that will help the Fool on his journey and provides it in the form of ancient wisdom contained in the scrolls that she hands him to revise. The High Priestess knows that The Magician has returned the tools from The Fool’s napsack, she also knows that he is at a loss what to do with them. Just then the light from the Moon picks out some passages on the scrolls in front of The Fool and he realises some of the options available to him. He makes a decision to move on having formulated a rudimentary plan. He is curious as to what is obscured from his vision by the pomegranate adorned curtain behind the
High Priestess but knows that he is not ready for this information.
They will meet again, perhaps on that occasion he may share this
precious secret.

Correspondences :

Path : 2

Trump : 2-High Priestess

Hebrew Letter : gimel,

Element Planet Zodiac : Moon

Deities : Artemis, Diana,

Animal : Dog

Plant : Almond, Moonwort

My Relationship with The High Priestess

I love the High Priestess so much she is literally under my skin High Priestess Tattoo

The High Priestess always reminds me of “Solitaire” in the 1973 James Bond film Live and Let Die. Her opening lines to Bond are : “I know who you are, what you are and why you have come. You will not succeed!”.

Then Bond turns over a tarot card – the Fool. Solitaire says : You have found yourself.

How Fabulous !

I have a replica of the famous deck from this movie, and I love it. A
great friend of mine calls me “Solitaire“, whenever he phones me the
conversation always starts with “ He travels by water ….. “ before he
falls apart laughing.

If only I could sit around all day in that iconic 70’s chair, perfectly
groomed and in a permanent Psychic Trance, Oh actually I already do

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Paul O’Mara

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