Fool Tarot Meaning
And then I saw him, dazzled by the sun, moving erratically, he was distracted by everything. His dog jumped repeatedly trying to warn of the dangerous precipice only inches away. I heard the voice, “Do not be drawn in by his madness, do not pity him, he is contented in his crazy world”. Do you know what is in his knapsack? His journey has no beginning and no end. Momentarily his vision locked with mine, a demented half smile and he was gone.
If the fool pays you a visit in a telephone tarot reading he is inviting you on a spectacular journey. He is unafraid and trusts implicitly that the universe is going to provide it. The power of his thought and his dreams now manifest everything he needs to fast forward to the next transformational phase of his existence. His knapsack contains all of the magical elements necessary to speed his development along the royal world of Tarot, if only he can absorb their wisdom before the Magician gets his hands on them. Have you ever been around someone so supremely confident in their abilities, someone so trusting that the future is unquestionably bright, grabbing every opportunity that comes their way, that success is aassured? – That mindset is the embodiment of the Fool and that is the energy that permeates your world when this card appears in your reading. Break out of your comfort zone now, through any barriers of self-limiting beliefs. The Fool, the spirit of aethyr, the definition of life force. Now life begins. Are you ready to live yours? To become your true self ?
Tarot The Fool Detailed meanings & meditation
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