Tarot | The Magician | Focus your Power

inner magic
release your magic
Tarot The Magus of Power The Magician
Tarot The Magician | Meanings & Meditations 

Before him were his four magical tools. The sword, the cup, the wand and the pentacle. Above him the lemniscate of infinity – hidden in the flowers below him was a snake swallowing its own tail.  In my mind I heard the voice: “These symbols belong to the fool, though he has forgotten their purpose. Do you understand their power?” His eyes locked mine and my consciousness contemplated things beyond earth, air, fire and water.
When the Magician appears in a psychic reading online his hypnotic stare may draw you in, though he is only trying to connect you to your personal life mission. Surrender to him. His wand channels the focus from above.  Drawing down the energy necessary to manifest your desires. If you truly commit to the belief you can manifest anything through the power of thought you are truly unstoppable. The Magician only looks forward, he has no regrets,  as should you now. Yes, being a Magician he can use his skill to bamboozle you if you don’t keep your wits about you so therefore it is time for you to be at the top of your game. The Magician tells you to laser focus your dreams and desires, you can now manifest your reality. Absorb the skill of the Magician you have access to his power,  your destiny is waiting.  Are you ready ?

I loved re-dreaming my cards. Step inside the magician card with me, look out Key No 1 on my tarotrehab page. There is now a page with all of the 2 minute Tarot journeys

If you are struggling to find the magic today, look at your reflection. How much more magic do you need? You have all the power, connect to your inner Magician, mentally step it up a gear, get out there & slay.

The Magician’s symbols belonged to the Fool

he could not yet behold their magic.

`do you understand their power?’

His eyes locked mine, my consciousness

considered things beyond earth, air,

fire & water…

The Magician reveals your inner light, it can be concealed no more, the unfolding has begun.

The Magician is a sorcerer, his power is unlimited, he loves chaos, he draws energy from it. He is your master & you are now his apprentice

Focus your powers, reconnect to your inner magic. The internal power that sometimes takes you by surprise when you are living your authentic self is close to the surface. Big Ideas over the next few weeks could change the course of your whole life. You have been asleep, now is the time to awake. Like The magician, now is the time to pull off your most amazing miracle, go forth & be spectacular The Magician, the Magus of Power.

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