Positive energy – Are you on the right frequency ?

What is the secret of your success? Do you use the ‘law of attraction’, or it is something else, do you believe that what you send out to the universe will return to you? Nowadays, almost all successful people are aware of how vital their thoughts are in creating success. They are conscious of their… Continue reading Positive energy – Are you on the right frequency ?

Free Psychic Readings to fire your intuition

free-tarot-readingsfree-tarot-readingsUsing Free Psychic readings to activate your intuition There are countless different types of free psychic readings, & many resources that you can use to fire up your imagination. If you are just beginning to explore using any form of psychic ability then you may find a free psychic resource is good place to start.… Continue reading Free Psychic Readings to fire your intuition

Astrology, Can Your birthchart release the magic of Your true potential?

Astrology & Horoscopes to release your inner self Most people don’t understand how Astrology works & wouldn’t know an ephemeris from their elbow. Quite frankly most people don’t actually care. I try & keep my Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes light & inspiring, without too much planetary mumbo-jumbo. Although Astrology is regarded by some to… Continue reading Astrology, Can Your birthchart release the magic of Your true potential?