Ready to push the go button?

crystals for mercury retrograde

Are you ready to press the button? We can chant as much as we like. Align our crystals, check our chakras, consult every sage & oracle in the universe. Eventually it comes down to one thing, ourselves. Only when we finally decide that we are ready to go out & grab the life that is our birth right, can we finally start moving towards manifesting the world we want to live in. Honesty is the key here, what aspects of our existence do we ‘just put up with’, where are we ‘just getting by’.

“there is no magic button”

In order to be truly happy we need to commit to live our authentic life, to chase our joy & commit our time to what keeps us in the flow, rather than simply living for the weekend. Go forth & challenge yourself today, there is no ‘magic button’. Commit to focusing on what brings you happiness, makes you feel alive, go forth & be fabulous.

A unique reading with one of my recommended trusted Clairvoyants can reveal where you are & give you the boost you need to chase your dreams

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My service is going international, if you are one of my fabulous Oz visitors please check out my Australian psychic service. I couldn’t find a service I liked so I set up one of my own. Also available my Irish psychic service

Time to surrender to your destiny, Impatient? The Irish psychic text service can provide fast answers to all your burning questions.

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Paul O’Mara

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