Re-invent / Re-imagine

reinvent & reimagine

Time for a reboot – some time off the grid, time to just remember who I am & where I might want to be next. Today in the midst of some crazy monsoon weather  I started unravelling some disjointed notes that I have made, some talismans I have put together. Starting where it always has with the Fool card I have  had a very productive day of dozing & re-invention. I am currently working on the power of belief, of happiness, of talismans. I meet an awful lot of people who are searching for the rainbow, who believe in unicorns, who live in fear of mercury retrograde. What if you are the pot at the end of your rainbow? What if you are your unicorn? You have the power to just accept whatever planetary configuration you find yourself in & just simply respond as the real you, living your real life? Surely that is the holy grail. My Fool Tarot card is reinvention & reconnects you to your spark of existence, the very birth of your consciousness. Are you still on the journey that the Fool revealed to you? You can find all of the meanings of Tarot on my main website & you can purchase your own copy of my Tarot deck from my site if the images resonate with you

“the wind blows, the world turns, people are inherently good”

Whatever you are doing I hope this finds you energised & inspired. If you are seeking some direction I have been having some amazing feedback on my selected expert psychics, Clairvoyants & Tarot consultants. You can book a live psychic reading with one of them right now. Psychic text readings are proving popular with the younger generations as the fastest way to get answers to your burning questions.

Moon magic

Today I need to focus on my next moon updates. The Moon always knows your secrets, It sees you now, it is in full beam, burning out your imperfections.

Just like us the Moon is a different version of itself everyday, it is the master of reinvention, we can learn many lessons under the silvery glow. Messages in a dream, on the edge of consciousness.

The waxing & waning moon is the rhythm of life. fantasy over logic, dreams over reason. Full Moon always herald a shift for me, time to grow. Things are changing like never before, will you?

I hope today finds you at peace, look after yourself, you are amazing.

Moon Affirmation:

“The darkest hour is always just before the dawn.

Why do you still fear ghosts & nocturnal apparitions?

These are just transitory illusions.”

Whatever I have learned as I prepare to immerse myself in this scribbled journey, a million miles away from the crazy metropolis. I need to remember, the wind blows, the world turns, people are inherently good & just want to be the best they can be.

I hope today is magical for you

Paul O’Mara

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