Find your peace

psychic boundaries

Be at peace with your thoughts. Away from the endless distractions, the need to be continuously connected, stimulated. We need to allow ourselves space to unravel our experiences, to be alone to process our journey, our purpose. More & more my life seems to be happening all at once. Each part of my journey informing where I am going, where I have been, who I am becoming. Time spent in quiet contemplation, focusing on our dreams and shadows, sheds light on our path enabling us to manifest our authentic purpose.

“That place where time stands still, where you feel complete & alive.”

I am so endlessly grateful that the Tarot took me prisoner. I can fall down the rabbit hole, step through each doorway, use each key to unlock new ways to understand & react to the madness of living. Strive to find your peace, whatever it is that sets you free. That place where time stands still, where you feel complete & alive even when you are alone, that is your truth.

Card of the day 

Queen of Pentacles

The more you grow, the more people will knock you. You break out of your comfort zone, you dare to dream. People will hate you, it’s human nature.

The best tarot readers agree that the Queen has achieved a certain level of growth, caused a few curtains to twitch, she doesn’t care, she doesn’t notice anymore. This lady is a serene figure who reigns over her domain calmly & with the aura of a woman who is at peace with herself, she has accepted her position in the world.

In a tarot telephone reading This card can also reveal that a living can be made from chasing your dream. Now is the time to sink or swim, or forever regret not having accepted the experiment.

This Queen believes that money does not make you rich, cannot fill the hole in your soul. The way you handle yourself is a true barometer of your value to her, & it ain’t got nothing to do with what’s in your purse.

Can you identify? Are you able to function in the big ol’ world with all of those confusing, excruciating energies even though your spiritual wi-fi is giving hundreds of system errors? 

Do you live for your spiritual me time in your sacred space, where time stands still & the magic engulfs you?

Focus your vision, make a plan, have an adventure.

I hope today is magical for you

Astro Tarot

The Astrological connection here is

pragmatic Capricorn. Common sense 

must prevail now. Everything is possible,

focus on stability. Trust those close to

you now, they are there for a reason.

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