Tarot card meanings – The Suit of Cups

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Tarot meanings the suit of Cups What do the Cups cards mean in Tarot readings ?

The fabulous emotional roller coaster of the Suit of Cups …
In the Tarot, the suit of Cups is associated with matters of relationships and emotions. As you may expect, it’s also connected to the element of water, and subsequently, the direction of West. In some Tarot decks, you may find the Cups referred to as Goblets, or Chalices, though Cups is my choice. This suit is where you’ll find cards that relate to love and interactions, emotionally charged relationship concerns.

My Rapid Tarot meanings for Kindle now available Here : “Rapid Tarot 2 by Paul O’Mara”

The images of the Cups from my Tarot deck above can be found on my detailed Suit of Cups Page, each card in the carousel will open to a page of detailed meanings for each of the Cups cards. As I stepped in to each Tarot card to design the images, I focused on relationships and emotions. The element of water is integral to the Suit of Cups, as the human body is comprised of a very high percentage of water, it is no surprise that these cards resonate with questioners on a very personal level.

You can visit my Suit of Cups Carousel Page here … The Suit of Cups

There are many aspects to each of the cards, at the forefront of the image above is the Six of Cups that deals with nostalgia. To the left the Seven of Cups deals with dreams & unveiling your true self, to the right the Five of Cups deals with regret & not crying over spilt milk. So as you see many emotions run deep through the Suit of Cups.

If you would prefer to visit my pages for the detailed meaning of each Cup card follow the below links. (Please remember these pages are ‘organic’ in as much as I believe that the meanings of Tarot change as your understanding deepens, as your life experience opens up knew interpretations …)

 •    Ace of Cups – “The Root of the Powers of Water”
•    Two of Cups – “The Lord of Love”
•    Three of Cups – “The Lord of Abundance”
•    Four of Cups – “The Lord of Blended Pleasure”
•    Five of Cups – “The Lord of Loss in Pleasure”
•    Six of Cups – “The Lord of Pleasure”
•    Seven of Cups – “The Lord of illusionary Success”
•    Eight of Cups – “The Lord of Abandoned Success”
 •    Nine of Cups – “The Lord of Material Happiness”
•    Ten of Cups – “The Lord of Perfected Success”
•    Page of Cups – “The Lotus of the Palace of the Floods”
•    Knight of Cups – “The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters”
•    Queen of Cups – “The Queen of the Throne of Waters”
 •    King of Cups – “The Lord of the Waves and Waters”

I hope you find some meanings here that enhance your love tarot reading spread. In Tarot spreads for love you can do no better than turn over a selection of the emotional Cups cards.

I ope you manifest everything you desire, Lots of Love Paul x

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