What happened to your dream?

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Love is all we need

What happened to the dreams you had as a child ?⁣

I have achieved many of my dreams including designing my own Tarot deck & following my Tarot dream living around the globe, experiencing many different cultures.⁣

While most boys dreamt of being James Bond, my childhood fantasy was to become Solitaire the Clairvoyant from the James Bond Movie, Live & Let Die. Unfortunately that position had already been filled by the fabulous Jane Seymour. One of my oldest & dearest friends calls me Solitaire & is prone to calling me up & saying ‘He travels by water!’ or similar in a breathy voice. I’m not Solitaire, unfortunately, though I could easily carry off that headdress. On special days I even use my Bond Tarot deck with the glorious Lovers card that Bond seduces Solitaire with.⁣

imagine your dream life”

Years ago you tucked your childhood dreams away for safe keeping. It doesn’t mean they’re not still there, bubbling & intensifying in your subconscious. Your dreams may have changed, or you may still want the same things you did when you were a kid, it doesn’t matter. Bring your dream back to life and into the light. Ask yourself what you would do with your life if money and time were no object; what you would do if failure were not possible?⁣

As you start to imagine your dream life, your adult brain will try to impose limitations, put objections, practical issues, in the way. Remind yourself this is only a dream, and practicalities are not important. It’s OK to start with small dreams, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to unleash your imagination, and those dreams will grow again. ⁣

Go forth & grab today & enjoy it, it’s the only chance you’ll ever get to see this day, don’t allow it to slip by, remember to dream big.

psychics for dream interpretation

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