Harvest Moon Magic

Full Moon
The Harvest Moon, What Rewards Await Us?

I love the harvest moon, it seems to shine so bright it replenishes my very soul.⁣

Time to plant the seeds of who you want to be next time the harvest moon appears⁣

The Harvest Moon was so called by Native American tribes who tracked the seasons via lunar activity. Workers used the bright light to extend the work of the harvest. The full moon illuminating the night sky allowing more time to gather crops for winter⁣

Memories dreams & intuition, but beware of illusions, nocturnal apparitions. Those stories your head runs through late at night very rarely have any basis in reality.

You may have felt the need to put on a brave face. Creeping insecurity might have blindsided you, time now to surrender to sensitivity & deal with some of that emotional instability

The full moon shines brightly, allowing us to harvest the most powerful transformation of our persona as we move towards the Autumn equinox.⁣

Harvest what is rightfully yours”

Instincts & intuition are heightened by any lunar milestone. Forgive yourself & others for any mistakes, emotions may run high & a time of restorative reflection may be necessary. You are entering a phase of reinvention, troublesome habits or any subtle self-destructive thought patterns can be recognised & allowed to burn away under the light of the harvest moon.⁣

This night of the year is a favourite with my most popular clairvoyants & psychics, it gives them a chance to be fully mystical & authentic in their psychic personas.

Lunar lunacy & nocturnal energies can twist dreams, fantasy can conjure deception & create imaginary scandal. Don’t descend in to fantasy, control obsession & be wary of paranoia. Those dreams on the edge of consciousness can create deceptive realities.⁣

Nourish your soul, charge your crystals. Intuition will be high, time to harvest what is rightfully yours.⁣

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