The Lady in Black


I Am on holiday in Greece having an inspirational time. Have been really relaxing. Today was treated to a fabulous massage & crystal chakra balancing session. Now to the point of the title of this post. The other night a charming young girl (19 ). Said that she had sensed something in her room & would I have a look, I was to tell her everything, she was psychic herself & really wasn’t scared. OK we go up to the room & she’s full on “I see dead people’ she’s got a lady in black outside the window, who then whirled around her & then she had a voice like ‘4 radio stations at once in her head’. Well when she ‘came round’ my new friend said ” Did you see that?”, I had to admit that no I hadn’t.

First off I’m not a medium & I don’t claim to connect with spirit or anything similar. However I do believe that people do have different beliefs & are sensitive to different frequencies & anything is possible.

I had started antibiotics for an inner ear infection that day that took over half of my head & later in the night I was delirious & speaking in tongues, so a holiday ghost was the least of my worries.

All was fine until the next day when all hell broke loose. The girl who
‘wasn’t frightened’ demanded a new room & ended up
sleeping with her gran & mum. The owner as the accomodation was fully booked was not happy at all.

Eventually the owners wife took me in to a room & showed me some
very old photographs. Of course the lady in black was there, no surprise in greece. What was really strange was that she told me it was the 3RD time someone had had the same experience & that a few years before outside the room was a framed black traditional mourning dress that got broken & had then been removed, partly because it scared the guests.

Now I very rarely have any ‘ghost whisperer moments’ & certainly
wouldn’t act as a psychic medium. I think the point of this is that any supposed ‘power’ or comment that comes true holds great responsibility. The next night the girls Grandma was chasing me saying “I know you’ve got Tarot cards!” I am going to be very careful
what I say from now on, especially on antibiotics.

I hope today is kid to you without too many ghosts.

Psychic readings
/ Free Tarot readings

Paul O’Mara

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