Tarot – Mirror to the subconscious – powerful technology of untold possibilities. Occasionally, sleep eludes me. My favourite technique, developed over a lifetime, is to send my dream self on a Tarot journey. Removing my conscious mind from the responsibility of ‘getting enough sleep’, releasing my body from the terrors of 3am & all the imagined consequences & disasters that will await the exhausted me in the harsh light of day. Last night was such a night.
“You are the Hanged Man”, she whispered
My dream self found himself in a barren landscape confronted by the Tower. Are my foundations unstable, is imminent change or disruption affecting the real me? asked my dream self, what will replace the Tower when the foundations begin to crumble. All of this occurs without the drama & emotion such thoughts stir up in reality & I can drift off, as if in a movie, watching myself as an observer. Next, as often happens I found myself walking through the pillars of black & white, sitting at the feet of the High Priestess as she revealed some hidden mysteries. Sharing some precious secrets previously hidden behind her veil of pomegranates : “You are the Hanged Man“, she whispered & indeed I am I thought. I have been suspended, my perspective is shifting. I have a challenge & the naysayers of my subconscious had been telling me I wasn’t good enough, I was not prepared. What negative messages has your subconscious been slipping in to your mind behind your back? Go on a dream journey & confront those slippery devils, the real you will thank you for it, go forth & be exceptional.
More on the Priestess
I knew she was coming, Priestess of the silver Star.
In a psychic telephone reading The Priestess tells us to reconnect to enchantment, too much negativity is breaking through. Look for the magic & possibilities, don’t be dragged in to daily distractions.
The High Priestess sees the invisible, she sees a door where others see walls.
Expand your senses, say less, look inside
Priestess Affirmation
To pass and enter the Temple
of Initiation, you must travel
between the pillars of black &
white. This wisdom cannot be
revealed, it must grow in your