To all the dreamers & storytellers. Tarot for me is a dance of two souls, I’m preparing to log on to a few spiritual Wi-Fis, put in my few pennies worth as to what path the gorgeous souls that present could possibly take to revitalise their perspective. I have been re-dreaming my journey through the… Continue reading Dreamers & Storytellers
Tag: lucid dreaming
Tarot – Mirror to the subconscious
Tarot – Mirror to the subconscious – powerful technology of untold possibilities. Occasionally, sleep eludes me. My favourite technique, developed over a lifetime, is to send my dream self on a Tarot journey. Removing my conscious mind from the responsibility of ‘getting enough sleep’, releasing my body from the terrors of 3am & all the… Continue reading Tarot – Mirror to the subconscious
Learn Lucid Dreaming
Learn Lucid Dreaming A lucid dream is simply a dream in which the dreamer is consciously aware of dreaming, and lucid dreaming is a skill that can be learned. I bet you have almost taken the reins of your dreams before but felt a little apprehensive. The advantages of learning to lucidly dream are many.… Continue reading Learn Lucid Dreaming