Hanged Man
Sacrifice, Surrender, Reversal
Spirit of the Mighty Waters
A young man is shown suspended, hanging upside down from a branch. Leaves sprout from the wood. He is suspended from one ankle; the other leg is crossed over.
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The Hanged man is suspended, however he appears perfectly calm. His time in this position has forced him to face his personal issues, learn to live with himself and release his ego. This card tells you that you will need to release yourself to external energies. You must surrender, see things from a different perspective. You can’t run away from your current commitments, you have to change your priorities even if this means making a personal sacrifice. You have no option but to hold strong and work through your thoughts, to strive for the best outcome to your current dilemmas. The Hanged Man gives us a rush of blood to the head, reigniting our dreams. Engage with your upside down self, tap in to your authenticity, allow your light to shine. Our busy lives are waiting to force us back in to previous behaviours, present what we think ‘they’ want us to be.
This man is at a crossroads, he is on the way to understanding
the unknowable. He knows the truth and can release himself.
How powerful will he become when he’s no longer suspended?
You will have a near psychic experience that really lets you zoom out & see the bigger picture of your life. Pay careful attentions to your dreams & write down anything exceptional on waking A message is arriving through your sub-conscious. Look carefully at yourself, for once please listen intently to the thoughts of those around you. You will be surprised The Hanged man indicates a period of unbridled creativity, he knows that life is constantly changing.
Like the Hanged Man we were forced to view everything from a different perspective. We are beginning to extricate ourselves from this period of introspection, reconnecting with those we have missed.
Many have found the courage to walk towards their calling with conviction. In the upside down everything changed beyond recognition. We must evolve to embrace the new normal.
Deep down inside you now know who you are, why you are here.
Identify your kernel of purpose, embrace your spiritual DNA. Your next chapter is waiting, are you ready to turn the page?
What will happen when you are no longer suspended ?
Step inside the card with me on my tarot rehab page.
3 card Tarot - Past, present, future
Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.
"I stepped into each card..."
Tarot rehab
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