Hello Autumn

psychic boundaries

Here comes Autumn, I love the light. Changes of season always bring cinematic dreams for me. Nocturnal adventures as we head to the Harvest moon & the Autumn Equinox.

Fallen leaves begin to fill the streets, a chill is in the air, dare we begin to whisper Halloween?

This time of year is reflective for me, increasingly I realise that I am totally responsible for manifesting my world, I know there is only my current situation & how I allow myself to respond to it.

dream of taking charge of your destiny today

My Tarot journey & the spiritual soul searching it creates allow me the freedom to be who I am, value my choices & have the courage to love myself for it. I am so lucky the Tarot claimed me, I would have been lost.

I’m loving my journey, unravelling all the layers. I know this process has no beginning & no ending.

I’m not my yesterdays, I haven’t yet created my future. I am very happy to be the best version of me I can possibly be, right now, just in this moment.

A sacred Autumnal morning. Reclaiming some sanity from the madness of the week through touchpoints of art & beauty. Flowers & Tart are a language I understand & I worship them as one would any other deity.

My daily rituals, the ceremonies of repetition allow me to unscramble the theatre of my life. They really are the guardians of my mental health.

I don’t use rituals to fix things, I just use them to reveal the vibes around the problem. If I can fix those then the problem always fades away.

October already, I sat outside having lunch yesterday, it was divine & then as the afternoon crept by a change in the air whispered of the magic that is just around the corner.

I hope you are able to dream of taking charge of your destiny today, able to choose happiness. Love yourself just a little bit more, you deserve it, you are amazing.

Have an exceptional day, wherever you are.

Exceptional Psychics & Clairvoyants

Talking Tarot

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