Forgive the Past – Embrace the Future

accurate clairvoyants
Clairvoyants have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

Let the past go …

After an extended holiday period in the company of the ones I love, including a family visit, I pondered that perhaps relationships are like pressure cookers that make us create our most powerful spiritual recipes ?. If we can learn to love unconditionally & learn how to handle disagreements or situations that push our buttons, then we are making our most powerful discoveries about ourselves & how we interact with our environment to ultimately create our reality.
Several times over the last few days I have found myself in situations that I had previously struggled to cope with.

I spent the holiday period revisiting my Major Arcana & spent some time at my spiritual home, where I first started on my study of self development. Looking outside of my default behaviours & armed with the keys of my most powerful cards has again shifted my beliefs.

Release negativity & Embrace the light

In order to move ourselves forward we have to release the past, embrace the present & actively visualise a brighter future. Life is too short to harbour grudges. The people who have connected with us at soul level, are by default the people who have affected us, and our development the most.

Release someone, free yourself …

The last few days I have actively forgiven the people who have hurt me. I have decided to finally let go of any residual anger or hurt that has been holding me back. A powerful shift in my life has occurred and I strive now to only remember the positive aspects of all those people who have caused me upset, including myself.

Yes, it is as important to forgive yourself for mis-givings as it is those who have caused emotional upset.

The lesson here is that time spent going over old ground is wasted time. The only way you can allow people to harm you is to allow events that can no longer be altered to unbalance your emotions. We can only remember that every interaction, every relationship, has a lesson that we must learn before we can progress. Though difficult or painful at the time we must always remember that every event in our life is a challenge that reminds us to absorb the lesson, move on & trust that the Universe only wants to provide for us.
I have appreciated every challenge that has arisen over what has been an amazing week. Spiritually & emotionally I truly believe that I have confronted old patterns of negative behaviours and finally decided to get my interactions right over this beautiful holiday. I’ve chosen to make the right choices & accepted the positive change that has quickly manifested itself, it has been liberating.

Accept your challenges, be patient, pro-actively enjoy your relationships, forgive yourself & those who have wronged you,

Can you now feel how far you can go ?

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