The Five of Wands.
The Lord of Strife
The Five of Wands Tarot Card – Appearance
The scramble called life is signified by the clenched fist. Five Wands pull in opposite directions, revealing disagreements & conflicts.
Numerical Value: 5
The Five of Wands Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :
The Five of Wands Tarot Card – Interpretation :
You need to prepare yourself to face a problem that cannot be avoided, disruption to your normal routine which will be irritating & test your patience.
Rise mentally above challenges & imagine that you are in a favourite place or on a beautiful beach. Whatever happens do not rise to the bait around someone who is trying to push your buttons or in extreme cases tricking you or presenting fraudulent information. You will triumph over what is a trying period if you focus your mind &
use mental agility to make the most of challenging situations. People will appear to be in opposition to you, make them see your point of view, diffuse the situation through charm. If You are overwhelmed a psychic reading by phone could reveal an alternative future & guide you in a new direction.
Overall the Five tells you a struggle is to be faced, by using stamina & relentlessly striving forward you can ensure success .
The Five of Wands Tarot Card – Correspondences
Zodiac : Saturn – Leo
My Relationship with The Five of Wands
When the five arrives to me I know that I need to address my direction. I must stop obsessing over day to day existence, to allow myself to focus on my long term plans. Where is your ultimate destination ?. If the Five of Wands presents itself to you be sure that you will be unable to see beyond your current situation. Ask yourself in these situations, if in a years time the struggles that are presenting themselves to you will still be relevant. Will the small irritations that absorb so much of your time have any long term affect on your future ? Identify repetetive problems that rear their ugly head on a regular basis, commit to erasing these annoyances from your life.The Five of Wands sometimes warns us that we are banging our heads against a brick wall, that we are fighting a losing battle. We need to look beyond our current circumstance, to visualise a new improved us at a point in the future where we have overcome our problems. We need to iron
out our petty differences with those around us, stand up and become accountable for taking charge of our future. Most of all when the Five appears to me I know that I am becoming too involved in the small details, listening too much to the opiniions of others. Sensitivity can be indicated by the Five, I know when this card arrives to ignore sarcasm & negativity, to rise above today, to look forward to an improved tomorrow. The Five gives me the power to achieve a long term goal, I know that I have the strength to struggle through the impending irritating problems, the minor hitches.To move my life forward, closer to my grand plan, away from the restraints of the day to day.
You are being pulled in many directions, are you strong enough to take control ?
Paul O’Mara Tarotologist
I am an authority on Tarot, having travelled the Tarot Landscape for over 25 years. My website offers various readings through Tarot and Astrology, both paid & free. To go directly to the readings please click here. Also available free Numerology , ESP testing. Need more answers ? Visit the famous Wishing Well . The mist clears, Will your answer appear in The Crystal Ball ?