Creating Abundance – It’s Your Call

manifesting abundance

Reading Tarot today I had a realisation. When we are looking to create happiness & abundance – It’s our call – Ultimately we are responsible for our own happiness. Not our parents, lovers, the government or anyone else we can blame for our lot. I believe it is down to us. I love giving readings where you see the questioner blossom & decide to take responsibility for their actions.

“manifest the life YOU know YOU deserve, go forth & be fabulous”

We are ultimately responsible for creating our own reality. The turn of a few painted pasteboards can give us some pointers, it is up to us to manifest the life we know we deserve. Wishing you a truly transformational day, go forth & be fabulous.

If you are searching for some pointers consult one of my recommended Psychics Tarot consultants & Clairvoyants

Card for today – Queen of Pentacles

How do you manifest the life you want? The trick is forget chasing money & do what you love, very well. The abundance will follow. That’s the trick but the hardest of all to pull off, our whole system is set up to want & chase more.

This Queen believes that money does not make you rich, cannot fill the hole in your soul. The way you handle yourself is a true barometer of your value to her, & it ain’t got nothing to do with what’s in your purse.

This Queen is a serene figure who reigns over her lot calmly & with the aura of a woman who is at peace with herself, she has accepted her position in the world. This Queen embodies the essence of the suit, she has known hard work, has made her fortune, or not, and is totally happy with that. She has made a conscious decision to enjoy life on her own terms, at her own pace, in her own carefully constructed world.

Pentacles always stir the sordid topic of coin for me. This Queen though she represents the suit of the material, finds such talk vulgar, distracting even. She is good in business, especially managing business for other people. She cuts through ‘the systems’, does the work that actually makes a difference.

Tarot affirmation

The Astrological connection here is pragmatic Capricorn. Common sense  must prevail now. Everything is possible, focus on stability. Trust those close to you now, they are there for a reason.

I hope all’s well with you

Today is a good day for a good day

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