Spiritual Wi-Fi

O'Mara Tarot | Expert Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading

⁣Every time you sit there, thinking ‘should I do this?’ having the internal fight between ‘for entertainment purposes only’ & your internal belief system.

I have no doubt that Tarot is my calling, hell I would go as far as to say it has saved my life, at least twice.

Yet every time I find myself giving readings I have to have serious words with myself. It is a responsibility, a beautiful thing when two souls dance together over something as mysterious & delicate as, the future. Not something to be taken lightly.

You have to be very careful what you say, more importantly how you say it. I wish I could be as bold as some of the fairground stalwarts & seaside soothsayers I have visited over the years. In fact if I look back it is always a thrill to step in to that caravan, that small office. What revelations might be revealed at the turn of a card, the vision glimpsed in a crystal. Maybe I’m just too sensitive.

You have to go all in with conviction, if the tarot has taken you prisoner you really have no choice, it is your therapy. 

Then you are in the flow, the knowing, the stories, the familiar archetypes with their myriad interpretations. What is here now, what has been, what might be glimpsed somewhere along the spiral of time.

For time is not linear, it is the lemniscate of the Magician, experience may come around again & again before the lesson is learnt, the spirit is finally free.

The 78 doors of the Tarot should be glimpsed around with caution, perhaps some should not be opened at all

Does it need to be said, does it need to be said by me, does it need to be said by me now.

Your intuition stretches out before you, you connect to your spiritual wi-fi.

‘How was your reading today? I hope you found some inspiration’ And off they go, striding off towards their destiny.

I hope your spiritual wi-fi is connected & not buffering to badly? 

Have an exceptional day.

readings psychic

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