Tarot card meanings – The Suit of Pentacles

four of pentacles tarot meaning

The Prosperous Pentacles, build on the foundations, manifest your desires …
The suit of materialism, finance and economic security, Pentacles are about money, wealth and resources. It is also the suit of values, principles and career. The underlying message of the Pentacles is that we must learn the basic ground rules, before we can begin to build on our dreams. The Pentacles teach us to deal with our environment, control our ego & develop the strength to control external influences, take control and shape or manifest our world, earth ourselves in reality.

My Rapid Tarot meanings for Kindle now available Here

The images of the Pentacles from my Tarot deck above can be found on my detailed Suit of Pentacles Page, each card in the carousel will open to a page of detailed meanings for each of the Pentacles cards. As I stepped in to each Tarot card to design the images, I focused on how your thoughts & beliefs can forge your reality. The element of Earth is integral to the Suit of Pentacles, the grounding energy that earths the Pentacles can manifest incredible changes to your world & build the foundations for solid advancement.

If you would prefer to visit my pages for the detailed meaning of each Pentacles card follow the below links. (Please remember these pages are ‘organic’ in as much as I believe that the meanings of Tarot change as your understanding deepens, as your life experience opens up knew interpretations…)

•    Ace of Pentacles – “The Radix of the Powers of Earth”
•    Two of Pentacles – “The Lord of Harmonious Change ”
•    Three of Pentacles – “The Lord of The Material World”
•    Four of Pentacles – “The Lord of Earthly Power”
•    Five of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Trouble”
•    Six of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Success”
•    Seven of Pentacles – “The Lord of Success unfulfilled”
•    Eight of Pentacles – “The Lord of Prudence”
•    Nine of Pentacles – “The Lord of Material Gain”
•    Ten of Pentacles – “The Lord of Wealth”
•    Page of Pentacles – “The Rose of the Palace of Earth”
•    Knight of Pentacles – “The Prince of the Chariot of Earth”
•    Queen of Pentacles – “The Queen of the Thrones of Earth”
•    King of Pentacles – “The Lord of the wide and Fertile land, King of the Spirits of the Earth”

I hope you find some meanings that will reveal the progression through the Pentacles in any Tarot reading spread. In Tarot spreads looking for methods of grounding, and solid advice, you can do no better than turn over a selection of the reliable Pentacles cards.

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