O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading

Two of Pentacles

two of pentacles tarot meaning

Keeping balance

Courage, Decision, Balance

Lord of Harmonious Change

On this card we see two Pentacles being juggled within the sign for Infinity the lemniscate, a bright summer sky lights the foaming waves below.

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The meaning of this card is that we must keep our heads and keep our eye on the ball in challenging situations. The never-ending juggling of the Pentacle symbols indicate that we need to be fluid with life commitments, be sure to keep all our irons in the fire and keep our eye on the ball. When this card appears we are ready to respond to change in a positive fashion, we must ensure that all our commitments are met. Often after the promise of new business ventures in the ace, the two appears to tell us that we do in fact have the energy to take on new commitments and challenges. The turbulent sea and the crashing foaming waves remind us that life is never an easy ride, we must remain positive and be able to accept anything that is thrown our way.

tarot reader

The symbol for Infinity on this card reminds us that all aspects of our life must be honoured, business commitments relationships social life and friends must all be fitted into our busy schedules in order to live a healthy balanced existence. The underlying reference in the two of Pentacles is that though things are set to fluctuate in our lives if we draw on our resources balance can be maintained. We need to look at the dark and the light the negative and positive, Yin and Yang. Fundamentally this card is all about keeping perspectives in challenging times. when the two appears new projects are on the horizon you will throw yourself at these with enthusiasm you have the resources that will be needed to promote the idea ferociously to others in order to make it a success. If the card appears in sequence with the ace of Pentacles, success is assured and your material happiness almost certainly guaranteed.

3 card tarot reading

3 card Tarot - Past, present, future

Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.

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