O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading

The Sun

sun tarot meaning

Shine Your Light

Luminosity, Consciousness, Acceptance

Lord of the Fire of the World

The Sun burns, above a small child in a field of sunflowers.

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This card is assured success, awaited reunions, improvements in health, a new & more childlike optimistic outlook. completion of all projects,especially those connected with the home. You begin to take pleasure in the simple things in life. Accept that things are improving for you, recently you may have felt that life was conspiring to make things difficult for you, now you can sense that, in time, you can achieve satisfaction & recognition. You do however need to be patient & learn to get all the facts before voicing your opinion. You are emerging from a period of uncertainty. You have faced several disappointments. In Love you may have one serious regret. News of childbirth surrounds the Sun card, the energy of this card can be blinding, make sure you pay attention. Take care. Be conscious all the joy in your life, tell all your loved ones how you feel even if you cannot be with them. You have great compassion & developed substantial knowledge; your personality is developing.

You are beginning to understand who you really are, release any habits that are harmful or waste your time. Don’t feel that you need to conform. Your heart is opening, you will feel real joy. Just as the child on this card revel in a new Innocent optimistic phase.

tarot reader

Understand the power of the rays

combine with all in nature to create

your reality. You are a divine being,

let your light illuminate your world


Anything that you aspire to is possible now, but do you still want what you thought you did? Your body & mind are working together now, you have great synergy. Be sure to relax your mind & exercise your body. You have now moved through the barriers, you project happiness unconsciously now you project happiness and ability. Embrace any encounters you have at this time, a new important friend is waiting to be discovered. Your inner child now comes out to play. Enjoy yourself & revel in your individuality, break free from conformity. Be the sunbeam to someones darkness today, tell someone you love them, be a ray of light


Step inside the card with me on my tarot rehab page.

3 card tarot reading

3 card Tarot - Past, present, future

Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.

"I stepped into each card..."

Tarot rehab

I stepped back in to each of the cards I created all those years ago. I challenged what I really believed, the secrets I had already forgotten. I needed to revisit the keys. Please join me on a 2 minute Tarot adventure, each journey is loaded with symbols & meanings. These are not 'readings', they are designed to take you inside what each card means to me, unlock the meanings one card at a time.
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